{29} One Last Time

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Okay the last performance is in one week and we're finally over. I'm so glad that Noah isn't going to play in the movie. I'm so tired of him and his games. But what did Dan mean? I don't love him and he definitely doesn't love me. How can I after everything he has done to me? I mean who could? I don't think that Dan would ever hurt me like that. Everything is so easy with him while Noah makes my life a difficult, living hell.

All those thoughts suddenly stopped as I hear the doorbell.

I get out of bed, practically struggling and go towards the door.

I reall hope it's Nicole. But why would she knock when she has a key? We haven't told anyone about this appartment.

Confused I unlock the door and jump at the sight of the person. I slam the door out of instict and sigh before I open the door again.

"How did you find me?" I said not letting him enter.

"Can I come in?" Noah's calm voice said.

He struggled not to laugh at my green pj's with the little green apples and the hogwarts castle all around.

"No you can't I'm in my pj's" I said covering my already covered body.

"I've seen you without it" he said ignorantly and entered in.

"Um rude much?" I said rolling my eyes and closing the door behind me.

He sat on a chair and started playing with a coin on the living room's table.

"What do you want?" I said laid on the door with my arms crossed.

"To apologise" he said not looking me in the eyes.

"Aren't you bored of that yet?" I asked ironically and he smirked at my mean comment.

"Look. I'm jealous of that moran Dan" he said saying his name in disgust.

"He is not a moron. He has manners unlike you. And you, jealous?" I asked in shock.

"Yes. I'll ignore your praises towards him and I'll continue. I really really like you. I was so drunk yesterday and I acted like a dick"

"I don't date dicks to be honest but I have done an exception a lot this last month" I said trying to sound mean.

"Also. If you want me to forgive you. You will have to tell me abut your past with drinking" I said strictly.

"What? That's none of your business!" he said offended.

"Yeah stop the acting drama queen. I'm not willing to date someone who is not willing to open up to me about his life"

Damn girl you're harsh.

"Fine" he said giving up.

"As a teen I drunk a lot. I had a very bad relationship with my dad, he was hitting my mom and since I couldn't do anything I went out every night and got wasted. My mom found the courage to get a divorce and to restart our lives at a new place far away from the bad memories. I stopped drinking and I was a happy kid. When I turned 19 I found my current job. And now 3 years later I'm who I am" he said looking at the floor.

"A dick" I said teasingly and he laughed.

"I deserved that for saying  you were my girlfriend" he laughed.

"I'm really sorry about what happened when you were a teen. How is your mom?" I asked trying to change the subject because it's really tough for me to be supportive in so harsh situations.

"She is fine" he said without adding anything else so I didn't continue.

"Listen" I said drawing his attention to my eyes.

"One last time. No more chances" I said and his face got bright.

"Omg thank you. I'm not going to waste it this time" he said hugging me.

My phone rang ruining the hug moment.

"Dan hey" I said as I picked up and Noah rolled his eyes.

"Omg really?! Thank you thank you thank you" I said excited.

"Yes I'm on my way" I said and hung up.

"I need to leave" I told Noah and went to grab my bag.

"What happened?" he said confused.

"Nothing I just have a work to do" I said looking for my car keys.

"I'll come with you" he said which made me stop.

"What?" I asked clearly confused.

"I want to come with you. I'll drive" he said grabbing my car keys and leaving them back on the table.

"We need to go over my old house to talk to my mom" I said giving Noah orders.

"Hey" I said hugging my frustrated mom as I entered the house.

"What happened?" I asked and she was ready to break something.

"I didn't get the job" she said angry.

"Why?" I asked in shock.

"They mocked Washington Productions. That's why I left" she said sighing.

"That's great news!" I said and both mom and Noah looked at me confused.

"Come with me I'll explain on the way there" I said and we left the house.

"So I tried to keep Washington Productions alive. They took the place down because the one in  charge left. I talked to the transportations' boss and he said that if I found someone else to be in charge then the place won't be completely taken down. You know this place better than anyone. You should be in charge" I said smiling and her smile reached her ears.

"Oh my Lord! Of course I'l do it!" she said excited.

We reached there and Dan was waiting with the sign papers.

"Here's the new boss" I said showing my mom.

"Miss Willows?" Dan said surprised.

"You know her?" I asked confused.

"You can say I like old cinema films" he said with a smile.

Dan's smile immediately vanished when he saw Noah getting out of his car.

Dan nodded at him profesionally and Noah put his arm around my shoulders.

When we finished with all the paperwork, mom stayed to discuss further things.

"You didn't have to do that" I told Noah when we got into the car.

"Do what?" he answered ignorantly and the rest of the ride was silent.

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