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"It's very sad to be making cake you can't eat,"

"The baking is fun though. I bet you could try  small slice,"

"Yeah, I will,"

"What shape shall we make it?" Ashton said, "We have a star, or a heart, or a square,"

"Why do you have so many?"

"Baking is fun!"

"I never bake,"

"Well now you do,"

I chose the star and helped Ash pour it in, then we sat on the sofa while we waited for it to bake. Forcing them to sit together, I sat at the end next to Kaykay and watched some youtube on my own, glad to be back home.

My main feeling was still sadness. A deep sadness. I hadn't known Rudy for long, but that made it worse because I would never get to know him. He was just like us and deserved to live.

It also made me scared. That could have happened to me. It could happed to anyone. I had almost died twice, nothing was stopping a third time.

It made my chest tighten to think about it, only that made it worse because my breathing was the part everyone was concerned about.

While the cake cooled, I stayed on the sofa whilst watching youtube, Kaykay and Ash cleaning the house a bit. Then, they called me to decorate and let me ice the cake.

"Got you!" Kaykay said, booping my nose with icing.


"Don't worry, I'll get her back," Ash said, swiping some down her cheek, "Now no more because we will waste the icing,"

"Oh, you are not getting off that easily,"

Kaykay smacked icing on his face and he gasped; he kissed her and then pressed his face on hers to spread it over.

I moved the cake away from them and carefully iced it, putting sprinkles on top. Ash bumprd into me and send them scattering across the floor, but they only laughed more.

They truly were in love.

I admired how Kaykay had left our old home. Maybe I should have tried sooner, but I had no clue how. It wasn't time for me to go to uni, and I couldn't get a job for some money. Kaykay must have had one, but that clearly didn't work well for them so I wasn't given the opportunity.

"That looks awesome!"

"It's so much fun being here,"

"Well you will be back by Friday night,"

"That's so long,"

"I know," Kaykay said, "But it will be extra fun when you're home again,"

"I suppose,"

"We're gonna have a movie night tonight, what do you think?"

"I'm tired,"

"Awh, come on,"

"I dunno,"

"We can paint our nails?"


She smiled and hugged me, kissing my head.

"You have to be fed first though,"

"I know,"

After Ash had fed me on the sofa, they both made their own food while I chose some films and nail polish. I decided to text Iza, to see how he was, as well as Aimee.

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