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[ Chapter Twenty-Six ]

❝I don't fancy going to jail.❞

[The Getaway]

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Myra leaned her head back on the headrest of the seat she was in, and pulled out her kindle from her pocket. She knew she wasn't supposed to bring modern-day devices on their missions but Myra had stopped listening to that rule ages ago, and right now she was glad she had because this was the only thing that was going to keep her from wanting to murder her friends.

They had been stuck in the camper for a little bit and Myra was already going stir crazy, as was everyone else apparently.

Mona was rifling through the cabinets on the ship while Sara attempted not to lose her head in the front seat.

John suddenly got up from his place beside her and walked over to Sara. Myra could hear him complaining to Sara about being stuck in the back with Mona and Myra and Myra almost got up and slapped him.

"We are going to Disney World." Sara suddenly announced, as she turned around in her seat and faced the other Legends.

"Yawn. Haven't we been tortured enough?" Mick complained.

Myra shot him a disgusted look.

"No. What I mean is we are going to fix Nixon in time to get him to Florida to lie his ass off." Sara told them, "We are not going to let anything stop us from doing what we set out to do."

Myra raised an eyebrow, "We're not seriously driving all the way to Disneyworld? I mean Disney is basically my favorite thing after coffee and food, but a lengthy drive in this small vehicle does not sound fun."

Sara looked at her, "Yes we are. Now, Mick watch our tail. John, see if you can figure out what's wrong with Nixon. And Myra help him."

Myra and John exchanged disgusted looks but didn't argue.

"And Mona. Find us something to wear." Sara added, "Charlie-"

Sara and Ray suddenly looked at each other in shock, "We forgot Charlie!"

Myra's eyes widened. How did she not look around to see if Charlie had made it? Some girlfriend she was.