Chapter 30

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"If you're going to do it, you're going to do it now." I told myself repeatedly. Everyone needs a pep talk once in a while, especially when you are trying to force yourself to do something that you didn't want to do.

I didn't know how long I had been standing in front of Molly's bedroom door, but my legs were getting tired and I swear that the hallway was spinning. Then again, I could be imagining the whole thing because the thought that I could be in love with someone was making me sick to my stomach. Not because love grossed me out, but because I didn't think that I could ever be in love with someone like that.

Who knows though? Ashton was the one who said that I was in love. I didn't even know what love was so I could be falsely lead into believing that I was in love.

"Fuck it." I muttered before knocking on her bedroom door.

"Who is it?" Her voice was so peppy. I don't understand how she could always seem to make her voice peppy like that.

"It's Peyton!"

"Come in!" She instructed and I walked inside quickly, shutting the door behind me and walking towards Molly's bed where she was staring at a copious amount of outfits that she had laid out around the room for herself.

"Did your suitcase puke in your room?" I looked for a place to sit down, but I swear that everything was covering in clothing.

"No." She laughed. "I just- I'm looking for the perfect outfit."

"For what?"

"It's me and Michael's anniversary tonight and we're supposed to go out to some fancy dinner tonight! It told me he made reservations and that I needed to dress nice. I'm so excited."

"Wow, how long have you two been going out?" I feel like Michael and Molly have been going out for ages, but I feel like they haven't been going out for that long at the same time.

"It's a year today!" She squealed, grabbing my hands and forcing me to jump up and down with her like a child.

"It's only been a year?" I didn't mean to question it, but I meant it in a good way.

"I mean, a year officially boyfriend and girlfriend. We had a thing before we started dating and that probably went on for months on end." She added on.

"I'm happy for you guys," and it was easy for me to say that because I was genuinely happy for them. It blew my mind sometimes how they never seemed to get tired of each other's company. Both of them would drop what they were doing to be with the other and they never had any regrets about any of it. For example, Molly decided to drop her life at home and tour with the boys for her whole gap year. I'm sure that if I didn't have to work, I would've done the same thing, but me touring with the boys is different than Molly and Michael touring with each other.

"Aw, thank you Pey."

I felt weird having to talk to her about it now. She had other things she needed to focus on and she didn't need to have my problem on her mind when she should be worried about picking the perfect outfit to impress Michael tonight.

"Well, you seem busy so I'll just talk to you later." I started to make my way back to the door but Molly's voice stopped me.

"I'm not too busy to talk. What's up?" She pushed a few outfits off the bed, throwing them onto the floor and patted the space next to her so that I could sit down with her on the bed.

"I just had a question."

"A question about..." She leaned in as if it would affect the fact that she could tell that I didn't want to talk about it.

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