Chapter 32

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We couldn't make it more than 10 minutes from the house before I started to feel bad for fighting with Calum and Luke could easily tell. It was probably the look on my face or the fact that Luke knew me really well, just like the other boys, and could easily pick that kind of stuff up.

"What's wrong?"

"Don't act stupid Luke." I warned him.

"I'm not acting stupid."

"You know what's wrong. I don't understand why you have to ask when it's so obvious that I'm sure even the cab driver could tell you what was wrong and he wasn't even there for the whole thing."

"I just want to know how you are thinking of it because I know that how I think of it can be completely different than the way that you are thinking about the whole thing." By the whole thing, he meant the fight with Calum, if that wasn't already obvious. "I know you wanted to apologize back at the house before we left and you were angry after you saw Lucy, but now you have that sad look on your face and you're no fun when you're sad Pey pey." Luke rarely called me Pey pey and he was the only one who did it. It was like his little pet name for me when he thought that I was acting like a child or wanted to comfort me in extreme cases.

"I don't know. Maybe I shouldn't have blown up. I mean, he was kind of right. I can hang out with you any time at the beach, but then again I can hang out with him any time so he doesn't need to freak out." I hated thinking out loud because I usually tended to confuse myself and convince myself differently than I wanted to be thinking.

"Maybe we should go back." He suggested.

"But I want to go to beach." I whined, not wanting to be weak when it came to Calum, even though I knew I was and it would become a common occurrence.

"But you want to apologize to Calum more." Luke retaliated. I didn't make eye contact because I wanted to ignore Luke because I hated when he was right in cases like this. "Because you love him." It wasn't like I could deny it. I mean, I was going to tell Calum soon so me keeping it a secret from Luke wasn't going to help or hurt the situation anymore; I mean, I don't think that it could get anymore messed up then it was.

"Who told you?"

"Ashton and Molly," Luke had no trouble throwing them under the bus.

"Molly?" I understood Ashton, but I didn't tell Molly specifically that I liked Calum. I guess it was obvious at this point.

"Yeah. You can't just ask her about love and not expect her to figure it out. She's smart when it comes to this love stuff." Luke reminded me.

"True, true." I agreed, sighing.

"Cab driver, can you turn the car around? We forgot something back at the house." The driver nodded and swiftly turned the car around and headed back towards the house.

"I'm sorry about ruining our beach trip Luke."

"There will be plenty of other days that we can go to the beach Peyton. I mean, we are in LA for like three more weeks or something. I just want two of my best friends do be happy."

"What if he's still mad and doesn't want to talk to me?" Negative thoughts rushed into my mind and I didn't know what else to do.

"Then make up some stupid excuse."


"You forgot your phone in your bedroom." Luke told me and it seemed simple enough. Even in my nervous state, I couldn't fuck up something as simple as telling Cal that I forgot my phone in my room.

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