Chapter 5

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Even after spending a day on the bus and doing nothing, I was exhausted.

Being in a limited space with these boys wasn't the easiest thing in the world especially since I'm pretty sure they were energized off of red bull or something. The boys were insane and I swear that I thought I saw Luke run through the bus naked, but I'm not completely sure. All I know is that there was always constant screaming or horrible singing to be heard no matter where you were on the bus.

Then again, there were a bunch of other things that could've contributed to my tiredness. Maybe it was because Calum and I stayed up late trying to play Fifa. I sucked at Fifa. I don't understand why I let him force me into playing it.

Maybe it was the fact that Molly and I had to sleep in the backroom on the couch and I didn't find it comfy at all. I barely got any sleep because I was terrified that we'd come to a stop and I'd roll off of the couch and onto the ground.

Maybe it was the fact that Ashton fell out of his bunk this morning and woke the whole bus. I don't blame him. Those bunks were small and Ashton was tall.

After all the morning ruckus, I laid in Calum's bunk trying to go back to sleep. Molly and Michael were in the back. Ashton and Cal were wandering around the venue like usual and Luke was showering because he was too lazy to shower last night, go figure.

Once I figured out that I wasn't going to fall back asleep, I pulled out my phone and played candy crush. Like usual, I was getting frustrated because I couldn't get past level 49. I sighed, kind of bored. I wish that I would've gone to explore the venue with Calum and Ashton but they'd probably be back soon anyways. I mean, how long could it take to explore a venue?

A notification popped up on my phone and it was a text from Calum.

Get ready cause Ash and I are coming back to the bus and we're gonna pick you up to get some fried chicken yum. Don't run late cause Ashton's starving and wanted to get chicken without you. Don't worry. I stopped him though.

I laughed, rolling off the bottom bunk and grabbing an outfit from my suitcase. I ran into the small bathroom and changed quickly. When I walked out, I heard voices outside of the bus that were getting louder and louder.

"Ummm, hey guys." Ashton started off. "We're in the Kentucky Yum Center," he paused to giggle. "And um, we're heading over to Gus."

Ok, first of all, I can't believe that they named their bus. They were teenage boys and they acted like five year olds. I guess that was kind of cute though...?

"Gus has brothers and they all look the same, so we have to put this- wait, where is he? We have to like put this like little wookie Chewbacca thing in front."

"And we have to get Pey so we can get some fried chicken. " Calum threw in.

"Yeah, we have to get Pey. I HOPE SHE'S READY." Ash raised his voice to tell me he was getting close.

"I am." I peeked my head out of the door. Both boys redirected their attention from the iPhone camera to me.

"Aw, you look cute." Cal smiled as he walked out of the keek view and towards me. Ashton continued his keek.

"Anyways, aw! We have this turtle and this pillow pet. It's pretty cute. Alright guys, bye!" Ash blew a kiss into the camera.

"Let's get some fried chicken. I'm hungry." I muttered leaning off the last step and into Calum. I hated to say it, but I was just as tall as Calum even though I was standing on a bus step.

"Yes! Food food food!" Ash chanted like a three year old.

I closed the bus door and followed Ash and Cal because I assumed they knew where we could get some Kentucky fried chicken. "So, what's the venue like?"

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