Chapter 4

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|Blair's p.o.v|

I felt cold, and my head hurt. I slowly sat up. Realizing I was in the nurses office.  I look to my left to see all my friends sitting around. "Hey" I croaked. "Oh my God" Nat yelped..I shush her "who did this?" Matt asked.

My mind flashed to everything, "no one I tripped and fell hitting my head" I shrug lying. "Oh" he mumbled. I looked away "look I'm fine, I have to get home. Jack and I have tutoring" I say sliding off The bed.

I grab my bag, and my keys. "I'll call you guys on Skype later" I wave goodbye. And disappear out into the cold omaha air.

When I pulled up, I see Jack leaves up against his car with a very annoyed look. I get out slamming by door making him look at me.

"It's about time" he snapped. I was about to say something about tilly but remember. "Sorry I was at the nurse's office" I say. "Oh uhm Sorry" he muttered, following me up to my room.

|Jacks p.o.v|

Well now I feel like an asshole. Way to go Jack, your an asshole. Something serious could of happen, and your being rude. Where's your manners.

|Blair's p.o.v|

I pull out all by books and notes and set them on my bed infront of Jack and I. "Okay, I guess we can start by you copying these notes for right now. While I get the homework, we can start practing with that" I say to him.

He stays silent, but grabs my notes and quickly begins to write. I pull out, tonight's homework.

Hours had past, Jack and I are still at it. He isn't that bad at math, but still not great. Their isn't much talking done. Only when I show him, and he replys to whatever I have to say.

"B, mom will be home any minute" Bentley says walking in. I nod, making him leave. "Maybe I should leave" Jack mumbled standing up. "Yeah" I breat following him out side.

"Uh listen Blair I'm Sorry about these last couple days" he said scratching the back of his neck. I nod "it's okay, i get it" I smile. He smiles back "I'll see you tomorrow, bye Blair" he says before getting into his car and pulling off.

Once I reach my room, I realize my mac book is going off. Well Skype is ringing.  I run over, and click answer. Seeing all my friends faces pop up.

"BLAIR" they all yell. I smile "What's up?" I ask them. "We've went worried" Nat said for them. "Yeah are you okay?" Nash asked. "I'm fine, I just slipped and hit my head" I shrug. "Are you sure?" Matthew asked. I smile "yup" I lie saving my best friends lifes.

"So? How did tutoring go?" Kennedy asked me. "Good i guess, he apologized to me and we studied a lot" I say,shrugging my shoulder. "That's good you think he'll make a move?" Matt asked me. My mind flashes back to everything tilly said and did. "Nope, I don't want him to" I laugh nervously.  "You okay 'B'?" Nat asked me. I nod my head "yeah, I think by mom's home I'll talk to you all later Bye" I yell hanging up.

My heart beats rapidly, Tilly could be watching and listening to everything I do. And it honestly freaks me out. My phone goes off, the ringtone for my message's. I slowly pick it up, and read the messages. "I'm watching you" one said. Another one said "becareful what you say". I already knew it was tilly, it made me even more nervous she was capable of a lot of things.

|next day|

I walk into school, and feel eyes on me. I shrug it off, I'm probably going crazy. But today felt off, I looked around. And I wasn't, people were actually watching me. Suddenly Tilly appears, alone with an evil look on her face. "Get my texts last night?" She raises here eyebrows. I nod slowly looking her in her eye. "I'm not going to say anything" I tell her truthfully. "I don't trust you, and your little clan. Stay out of Jacks and my way little girl" she whispers evily to me.

"Hey babe" Jack pops up, "Oh Hey Blair" he waves once he notices it's me. "We should go, by Blair" she smirks walking away. I groan, and kick a locker "boy is he dumb" I mumble walking to class, meeting Matthew, Nat, and Nash. "What took you so long?" Nash asked me. I shrug "I walk slow" I lied. "I'm sure you did" Nat said rolling her eyes.

They all know I'm lying they just don't know about what. I don't want them to I want them to be safe. "You alright?" Matt asked me. I give a fake smile and nod, looking down at my book.

I felt sick to my stomach, "can I use the bathroom?" I asked the teacher. He just nodded, I ran out the class, and into the bathroom and started to throw up. It's only been a day, and i can't handel this. Wow your weak Blair.

"Hello darling" a male voice appeares behind me. I turn around to see Nate, the boy from yesterday.  "Please leave me alone, I'm not telling" I shake, and sob. "I'm not worried about it" he bends down becoming eye level.

He pulls out a pocket knife, "this will make sure of it" he smiles devilishly sliding it across my cheek. I felt it slice a little, "shit" mumble. "What's wrong baby don't like blood" he laughs, wiping some off my face and on my lips.

I look down, and up and notice Nate was gone. I look at the scaratch and clean it up. All I have to say, is that it was my acrylic nails.

I walk back to class, and quickly take a seat. "Woah what happen?" Nat gasped making the boys look. "Blair What's that?" Nash asked. "My face itched, so I scaratched it, I guess I did it to hard" I shrug. "Okay" they give me a weird look and turn away. Damn this is getting complicated.

Honestly today got on my nerves, all day all my friends did was question me about everything.  It was getting annoying, all I did was tell them the same thing over and over again..

My phone went off, I picked it up and see that it's Tilly's annomyus number. I slid the text open " if you want to keep your friends an your self alive I have things you need to do". My hands started to shake a little, why all this because you don't want Jack to find out..

"What do you need me to do?" I text back quickly. "I need you to meet me at the local park. I need business dome your going to help" It reads, I quickly stand up and put on a black hoodie and leggings and jumped out much window.

I ran all the way to the park, I finally saw Tilly. "Okay I'm here" I say panting from my serious run. "Good, I need you to deliver some things of mine" she smirks...I wanted to slap that smirk off her face, but I didn't for the sake of Jack and my friends.

She hands me a list of addresses and the DRUGS they wanted. "Here are the keys, it must all be done by tomorrow morning" she smirk walking off towards Nate who just showed up.

Forth chap woahhh, I'm excited for this book. Ik tilly seems cray for doing this, about cheating. But everything will fall together in the end. I hope you enjoy, Oh and more drama btw. Sorry for the not so cliffhanger.

Trouble•jackgilinsky book #1Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora