Chapter Twenty-Two

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|Blair's p.o.v|

I woke up the next morning, feeling down I mean last night was horrible. and I expected today to be the same way. I took a deep breath, getting out of bed and over to my bathroom where I got ready for the day.

I was walking down-stairs when I heard the doorbell ring. I jogged over to the door, seeing Sam standing there with a hot coffee. I smiled, "you actually came" I say, looking at my feet. "I told you I would, so I did" he said, handing me the coffee.

"im going to eat, and then we can go. do you want some coco puffs?" I ask sam, as he follows me into the kitchen. "No i already ate a muffin, but thanks" He said, giving me a small smile. I nodded making myself a bowl, and sitting across from him. He kept starring at me, "Uhm Sam, what are you looking at?" I said, clearing my throat. "You look good today" Sam said, winking at me. I felt my cheeks flush, as a smile creeped onto my face.

"Let's go i want to get to the hospital" I say, putting my bowl into the kitchen. Sam and i walked out of the house getting into the car. The car ride was short and silent, but it was comfortable. We pulled up to the hospital, getting out and going up to the icu floor. When i walk up i see Jack coming out of the room, "what the fuck are you doing here?" i spat, blocking his way. "I wanted to see Ben and Mac" He said, simply. "You can't be here jack, leave me and my family alone okay?" I spat, rolling my eyes. "Whatever Blair" Jack said, walking away.

Sam and i walked into the room, seeing Mac and Ben sitting with each other at the table. "Hey guys" i smile, sitting down; "Hey blair" Ben said, mac gave me a small smile. "You guys can go home today" I smile, feeling happy that they actually can go home. "I know nurse jackson told us" Mac said, looking up from her phone. "Has Hayes came?" i ask mac, she nods quickly with a smile.

After hours of talking with the twins and Sam my mom and dad finally showed up from work. "Hey blair you and sam can head back to the house if you want" my mom said, smiling. I nodded giving everyone a hug, leaving with sam shortly after that. "Do you want to hang out for a little?" i ask, not really wanting to be alone. He nodded getting out the car with me, and going inside and up to my room.

The sun hadn't set yet, so it was really bright in my room its only four o'clock. "I want to give Mac and Bently a coming home party" i sigh, sitting down on the bed. "You can, i can help you out if you want" Sam said, smiling. "alright let's get going now" I laughed, standing up. "Fine fine lets go" Sam groaned, following me back down to his car.

Sam and i drive to party city, and get some decorations along with balloons. "Alright now we have to go to the food store" I sigh, feeling slightly bad that Sam has to come with me.

"what's wrong?" Sam asked, while we walked to his car. "I just feel bad, your here with me" I sigh, looking down at my feet. "don't be, I like being with you plus I don't mind. I love your little brother and sister" Sam says, giving me a grin.

We got into the store, buying Brownie mix and some other food items that would be nice. After check-out Sam and I went back to my house. "thank you so much, for being her for me today" I say, truthfully thankful someone was by my side.

"it's no problem, but Nate and I will be back tomorrow to help" He smiles big, I nod and give him a tight hug. He places his lips on my forehead, "it'll all be okay soon" he whispered, before leaving me in the empty house.

The next morning ass very, hectic you could say. One Sam and Nate arrived when I was asleep so they had to wake me up. And the house was a mess and everything took forever. We are just now starting to set-up. The twins will be home, around three. It's already eleven in the morning.

"Blair where did you put the box of evidence?" Nate yelled, from the basement. "obviously in the basement" I yell, rolling my eyes; although he can't see. "well I don't see it" he yells back, my heart drops and I run down to the basement.

I see the room all done up, and everything looks really amazing down here. "just kidding" Nate said, laughing at me. I walk over and thump his forehead, but gave him a hug after. I walked over to Sam giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "thank you both so much" I say, smiling.

"okay give me that box" I sigh, as Nate hands it over. I place it in the safe, under the baseboards locking it. "alright I have to get dressed, and so do you guys so ill see you two in like an hour" I say, before going up to my room. I showered and did everything i had to do. (outfit in the photo above) i looked at myself one more time, before i heard a knock at the door.

I ran downstairs and opened up the door for Nat,Nash,Hayes, and Matt. Sam and Nate pulled up quickly after. I brought them all downstairs for them to hide; A few friends from school came for, Ben and Mac but mostly for Ben. "Guys we are going to have you all hide, Ben and Mac just pulled up" I whispered before leaving.

I greeted my parents and my brother and sister bringing them downstairs, well my dad carried Mac. I flicked on the lights, and they all jumped out yelling


this chapter is short because i this was slightly rushed and it isnt that great i wanted to get this up because a lot more shit is going to happen.

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