Chapter Thirty-six

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|Weeks later|

Finally winter break, my favorite time of the year.  no school, Christmas, and no school. "Let's go, I wanna be able to make it on time" Nat complained, yelling from her car. I laughed, and jogged up to her car. I opened the passanger door, "get in the back" I laughed, kicking Nash out of the front.

"i'm excited for tonight" Nat cheered, "same" I smile.  I looked back at the boys, "I always go so" Matt shrugged, I looked at Nash he shrugged "it's my first time too" he laughed. (let's pretend matt was born in Omaha)

Nat pulled up to Matt's house, letting Nash and Matt out.  "see you at seven" I yelled out the window, while Nat pulled off. Tonight is Katie's annual 'Christmas party' her and I talk in second so she invited Nat and I. Matt always goes, so Nash is his plus one.

Nat pulled up to my house, and her and i went inside; it was still empty because everyone was at work and school. Nat and i went inside, too look for something to wear. (outfit above)..."you look great" i smiled she gave me a curt nod before sitting down; and finishing her makeup. 

I heard a knock at the door, sending a confused glance at Nat. The boys weren't supposed to be here for a little while longer. I sighed, and stood up quickly walking to my front door. swinging it open, I see Sammy standing at my door.

I scrunched my eyebrows into confusion, "Sammy, what are you doing here?" I asked, looking down at his outfit he was dressed for the Christmas party.  "uhm.. can I ride with you?" he asked awkwardly, I laughed "of course" I say, with a smile afterwards. 

I open the door wider letting him in, and led him up to my room. Nat turned her head noticing Sammy. "hey Sam" she smiled, before finishing up her makeup. "so? why do you need a ride again?" I ask, sitting back down. He sat him self on my bed, to where I could see though the mirror. 

"Nate had a date to the party already, and needed his car" he said, rolling his eyes. I stifle a laugh, "where's your car?" I asked, he scratched his neck awkwardly "it's sorta got towed last week" he said, laughing awkwardly after. I rolled my eyes "of course it did" I joke, finishing up.

"this party is really fancy" I say, sitting next to Sam. He nodded "Katie's family rents a Whole hotel ball room". I should be shocked but some hoe Katie's appearance shows she was really wealthy. 

I walked into the bathroom, picking up my new bunny 'Luna' and brought her out to Sam. "she's adorable" Sam cooes, patting her head; I smiled at nodded agreeing with his compliment. "wait put this on" Nat laughed, hanging me a paper crown.  I laugh along and put it on my head; "here take a picture" I smile, handing her my phone. 

I stood in front of the wall, and held 'Luna up while Nat snapped a picture.  Once she was done, I set 'Luna in here cage going back into my room.  "you look great in the picture" Sam compliments, showing me my phone. I took it out of his head, looking our the picture "I actually do" I say, feeling actually attractive. 

Nat and Sam laughed, I heard the door bell go off again. I look at my phone '6;55' "that's Nash and Matt, we should go down stairs now" I say, opening my door. Nat and Sam walk out, with me trailing behind opening the door for the boys.

I greeted them, and let them come into the house. I see Nash's body language change when he saw Sam sitting on the coach. I gave him a weird look, "we should get going" I say, getting Nat and Sam up. I waited for everyone to walk out, pulling Nash's arm to stay behind.

"what?" he asked confused

"why don't you like Sam?" I asked.

"he doesn't deserve your forgiveness, neither does Jack" He spat..

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