chapter thirteen

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|blair's p.o.v|

I sat up and looked around my room, I let out a sigh I wasn't in someone's basement, on ransom. ive had this dream a total of 3 times, in one night. I need to get out of this, I need too find jack.

I got out of bed, and grabbed my laptop before getting back into bed. I typed in Jack Johnsons arrest in omaha Nebraska. nothing really came up, about the case. but there was a few pictures of him with jack and Sam on Google images from school. he was obviously the blonde and he looked familiar.

I had him, in science class in freshman year obviously we are juniors now and jack isn't attending school anymore. I heard a door open, so I shut my laptop and laid back down.

I woke up the next morning the same way, I woke up last night. I got dressed in some leggings and mac-miller hoodie and my vans. I went downstairs and saw my mom; talk about a surprise.

"hey mom, why are you home?" I ask, grabbing a juice bottle. "I had today off, shouldn't you be at school?" she raised her brow. I nod "leaving now, oh an I have tutoring so love you" I kiss her cheek and leave.

when I got to school, since I havent been picking up nat and the boys. I see jack standing at my locker. "hey beautiful" Jack smiled; "hello mr.gilinsky" I laugh, winking. "don't forget, we have tutoring today" he smiled, winking back. I rolled my eyes "I remember Jack" I laugh.

jack and i walk to class together, taking our seats on separate sides of the room. "I see you and gilinsky are finally getting along?" nat said, raising an eyebrow. I nod "he's pretty cool now" I say to nat. she shrugs, and the boys are to busy on their phone.

"have you talked to Kennedy?" nat asked me; (guess who is also back yooo). "no, we aren't friends" I scoff,rolling my eyes. "well she hasn't been at school either since that day" nat said, with a huff. I shrug "probably switched or does online who knows?" I say to her. (hhaha guess again bitch)

the day seemed to drag on, but sixth went by pretty fast. and it was already time to head over to jacks house. "can you drop me off at home?" nash asked; "uhm yeah, what happened to Nat's car?" I asked, unlocking the car.

"I guess her and matt left, but thanks" nash said, smiling. I nodded knew her and matt had a thing. I dropped nash off, and quickly hurried over to jacks because he was already texting me. little fuck boy.

when I got to jacks, he wasn't outside so I went up to the door and knocked. David answered, and let me go upstairs. when I got upstairs, jacks door was open so I walked in. "hello to you too" jack sat up, from watching tv. I nodded and closed the door, proceeding to sit on his bed.

"what's up?" he asked, playing with my fingers. "im here, because we have things to do" I say, shrugging. "not today, we should just chill" he said, shrugging. "i'd like that better" I said, letting out a sigh in relief. I honestly felt dirty and impure with all the sex ive had this month. "you've changed a lot blair, and I don't want you to feel pressure to do anything" jack said, giving me a sympathic smile.

I nod "it's okay, I don't wanna do it anymore either" I shake my head. "me either, I have to focus on tilly, school and of course you and by friends" he says, giving a cheeky smile; and making me laugh. your girlfriend is a crazy bitch, and needs to be in jail. (but that's not business *sips tea*)

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