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I walked inside YG building with mixed feelings. I feel like something is wrong.

On my way here just now, I called Lisa to ask if she was also called by Yang Sajang. But Lisa seemed confused and did not know anything about it. So I knew that Yang Sajang was just calling me only.

But why? Coincidentally Namjoon was also called by his Bang PD. Is this all just a coincidence or did something really happened?

I reached at the top level where Yang Sajang's office located. I walked towards Ms. Lee, the secretary of our sajang.

I told her that Yang sajang want to see me. Ms. Lee just give me a sad smile as she lead me to the Yang sajang's office.

"I just want to tell you, if anything happened, don't get discouraged. Keep your head up and be strong" Ms. Lee said before she left.

I was being confused here. It makes me feel more uncomfortable and uneasy.

At last, I took a deep breathe and exhaled. I knocked on the door and waits for Yang Sajang invitation.

Once I heard Yang sajang asked me to come in, I hold the doorknob and push the door.

I'm inside his office right now. I walked towards him and bow a little, "good evening, Sajangnim"

"Rose-yaa" he called out my name. "Do you know I asked for you?" He asked.

I shook my head slowly, "I don't have any idea, sajangnim"

"Really? So you think you didn't do anything wrong behind my back?" He asked again.

I was playing with my hands. I got a cold feet suddenly.

"I don't get what you mean" I said to him.

Yang Sajang let a sigh, "so, today, Dispatch contacted our PR and asked them that they wanted to meet me right away. Our PR stated that they can't meet me without an appointment or my approval. But guess what they threatened our PR?"

I shallow my saliva. My heart beating so fast.

"They threatened them with this pictures" Yang sajang suddenly spread some pictures on his table.

What surprised me the most is the pictures contained me and Namjoon while we're at the LA back then. There's also some pictures of me and Namjoon at Han river.

"So, mind explain to me anything?" He asked while intertwined both his hands. "But, I only want to hear the truth. Don't you dare to lie because eventually I will find out about everything" he continues.

I hang my head low, my heart is racing. "I'm sorry for disappointing you, sajangnim"

I took a deep breathe, "yes, I'm dating with him right now. We're dating" I admitted the truth.

Yang Sajang get up from his seat. He walked back and forth while massage his temple.

"For how long already?" He suddenly stop and asked me.

I still stick on my place, "it's been a year"

"A year? You've been hiding it for a year?" He asking back. I just nods.

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