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Going on a perfect date have been always in my bucketlist. So, I'm really looking forward for today's date.

I don't know where's Namjoon will bring me tho. Because he's the one that arranged all things. Well, I don't mind, as long as I'm being with him.

I'm getting ready now, choosing what to wear and how's to do my makeup but in the end I just choose whatever fitted.

Because I know how well I dressup, I need to being covered too, not wanting to be obvious around the crowds.

"Are you going out, Rosie?" I turn around and saw Alice unnie is walking to me.

"Yes, unnie. I want to take a walk around and see what's fun here" I said to her.

"Alright, take care! Don't be late. Sorry I can't stick around with you. I have some works to be done" she said while patting my head. I've been spoiled alot by Alice unnie since I'm the only one sister she had.

"Alright, unnie. It's okay. I can handle it" I said.

"Don't forget to stay low. Afraid people will recognize you" She adds. "Noted, unnie" I saluted to her.

I text Namjoon saying that I'll be there fetching him around 10 minutes later. He replied as soon saying that he will wait for me.

I gather all my things and walks to the door. I pull out the car key and get inside the car that I rent here.

I thought everything will be runs smooth but It was starts bad as I stuck in the traffic for quite long.

When I arrived there, I saw a man with a broad shoulder and a mask covering half of his face, waiting patiently while scrolling through his phone.

I stop the car beside him and pull down the window, "hey mister. You're capturing my eyes. May I get your number?" I tease him.

"Well, yes, I would love to give it because I'm tired waiting for my girlfriend as she said 10 minutes but its been 30 minutes already. I'll just ditch her then" he said, smiling to ears.

"Yaaahh, Kim Namjoon" I squealed. He winks at me and before I could say anything, he walks to the passenger seat and buckled the seatbelt.

"Let's eat first. I'll waze the cafe that I've been searching yesterday. It looks nice" He said while searching through his phone busily.

I took some times to stare at him for a while. Smile suddenly appeared without I realized. When Namjoon finished, he look up and found me still staring at him.

He hold my face with both of his hands, "why you're looking at me like that?"

"You looks like a whole meals, I'm totally drooling right now" Namjoon look at me with raised brows prolly because of my unexpected answers. I suddenly snapped out and realized what I've said.

"No no, I don't mean like that. I- " I was overwhelmed with the situation but Namjoon just laughed.

He pecks my lips and ruffling my head. "You become more brave right now, aite? It's not a bad thing. I like it tho" he winks.

I pouts in embarrassment. My face is heated up right now.

I drive to the cafe that Namjoon had waze and found out its a very nice cafe with quiet environment around. Its suitable for us since its really bothersome to eat at crowded place knowing our status as idols.

The interior of the cafe also nice. When we're settled down, a granny comes to hand out the menu. Although she looks 70 but she still looks strong like a youngster.

"Hello, young man, young lady. I'm Mrs Smith. Here's the menu. You can look through first"

"Anything you like?" Namjoon asked me.

I look through the menu and saw so many delicious foods but I don't know what to choose.

"Hello, Mrs Smith. Do you have something to recommend?" I asked the granny.

"For the drinks, you can try our varieties of coffee. The coffee we make from the scratch. We took the coffee beans from our own coffee plant" she explained.

"For the food, maybe you can try the Zucchini spaghetti with avocado sauce?" When I heard the avocado words, I go stunned. I heard Namjoon's small laugh.

"She don't eat avocado, Mrs Smith" Namjoon said to her. I just grinned, feels a bit guilty.

"Oh, really? its okay, pretty lady. Then, how about our classic homemade pizza?"

"yes, sure. I would love to try" I said to her.

"and I want to add some tacos and burrito. Also, Ice cream cake as dessert" Namjoon adds.

"Alright, young man. I'll be right back with your foods. Thank you" Mrs Smith walks to the kitchen to prepare the foods.

I saw that its only herself and her husband that work for their cafe. I don't see any other worker here.

"So, where's our next destination?" I asked Namjoon.

But he only smile, showing his dimples. I pouts, pleading him to tell me.

"hm, I have so many places in my mind but if possible, lets avoid going to the movies" Namjoon said.

Oh, but it was one of the things I actually want to do tho. "Why not movies" I asked him.

"Well, going for the movies don't allow us to interact with one another. If we are watching movies, we have to focus on the screen and keep quiet but I don't want to. For today's date, I only want to focus on you and staring at your happy face for the whole day" He explained.

My mouth was wide open. I can't even hide my smile. Since when he become a sweet talker guy? If I says I'm going to have diabetes one day, then I am. I can't handle this guy sweetness.

"If you act like this for the whole day, I think I might caught deep into you, Kim Namjoon. Pity me please" I said while making pleading face to him.

I heard Namjoon laughed a bit and said, "That's what I'm hoping for. So, I could own you more" He winks "So, for the starter, I will bring you to the place that we MUST go for a date"

"And where is it?" I asked.

"Theme park" He said and smile widely. His dimples is showing.

Woahhh, also one of things on my bucketlists. Teheee.

"Universal Studio Hollywood?" I asked excitedly.

"Yes, baby" he answer, caressing my left hand.

"Alright, then. I love it" I said and smiled too.

"So, theme park it is. If you have other places, lets go out on the other day. We have like three days together here" He said. I just nods and smiled.

"Darling, this is your foods and drinks" Mrs Smith placed all the foods on our table. "Enjoy your foods" We thanked her and she walks back to the kitchen.

We enjoy our foods and also have a small talks, laughing whole hearty. I really love this moments. We never get this back in Korea.

 We never get this back in Korea

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