15. Voices

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Kiara's POV:

A little dazed I can hear people motioning around me and quiet but hushed voices speaking.

"So what's wrong with her Dr Pierce?"

"Don't worry too much Dean. She has a bad concussion, she should have been resting. You said she had passed out and yet worked all day?"

"Yes, she said she was fine and only needed to take it a little more easy. Damn I could see she wasn't well, I should have made her take the day off."

"Her muscles are all extremely tense too, even although she passed out. I have the feeling she is under a major distress right now, only making things worse. If she works as hard as you do, she might be over doing it."

"She does, but I think that's not the reason. She collapsed after being kicked out by her parents."

"Oh, I see. Care to share more information? Maybe we should put her up for psychiatric care?"

Even with the little power my body seems to provide right now, I can feel the anxiety in me rising and the will to escape as fast as I can.

"It's not down to me, to tell her story. But I will offer it to her. She's damn strong you know."

His words put me a little at ease again.

"Sometimes even the strongest people need help. It's usually the strong ones who suffer the most, because they endure so much and keep it to themselves."

"Like I said, I'll talk to her about it. How long do you think she'll be like this?"

"I don't know Dean, perhaps she'll wake up any minute or a couple of hours. She's lucky there's no brain bleeding or any swellings which I worried about at the beginning. Her body simply needs some rest right now."

"Can I take her home?"

"No I'd rather keep her here until we can be sure she doesn't pass out again."

It's too strenuous to keep up listening in on them, instead I decide to give into the heaviness and let my body sink into the slumber taking me over again.


Waking up, I feel Dean's hand gently caressing my cheek.

"Hey Beautiful, how are you feeling today?", he whispers softly as soon as my eyes open.


"Drained", I admit and admitting weakness isn't something I usually do. "How long have I been here? And where the hell am I?"

"You're in hospital. You had passed out for about an hour. After that you kept on waking up groaning in pain and the nurses would give you painkillers so you could sleep. It's early in the morning, so you've only been here a couple of hours. Why the hell didn't you tell me you had a concussion? You shouldn't have been working."

"Because I didn't think it would be that bad. Anyway work was the better option than staying in that place" I snort. "I mean after last night you surely understand that was the last place I wanted to spend the whole day."

"You want to talk about it?", Dean asks carefully. "I mean you don't have to. But I'm here if you want. And we can get you someone to talk to you. Perhaps some psychiatric care wouldn't be too bad."

"I'm not crazy", I huff.

"No one says you're crazy, Darling. It's just a lot you've been weighing on your shoulders and I guess getting rid of some of that would do you some good. Believe me, I know what I'm talking about."

"You do?", how would he know? These words take me utterly by surprise.

"Well kind of anyway. In a different way I had my own things to deal with and I know it helps. But at the moment this isn't about me, it's about you. Honestly, I was beyond shocked what I heard yesterday and I'm sure there's much more underneath the surface."

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