36. Lunch break

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Kiara's POV:

The last four weeks have been a hell of a ride. After the night we went out with our friends and our make up session, which somehow extended through all of Sunday and even lunchbreak on Monday, I was hoping things were good. But by Monday night I had moody Dean back.

He's been so moody, that even Brent invited me into his office during the second week, to ask me about it. No one seems to know what's going on with him. Even Tyler and him got into a huge argument about nothing and once Tyler told him to treat me better, he totally lost it. In the end Tyler had a broken nose, I felt sorry for Tyler and Dean's mood dropped even more at the fact what he had done.

One evening when he came back drunk, he confided into me crying while telling me how badly he's losing his shit at the moment. There have been good days where we didn't argue and his mood seemed to lighten up a little and then he'd draw back totally again and lose it.

I've been wondering if he's suffering some kind of burnout, depression or something like it. By the amount he's working at the moment it wouldn't surprise me. He never leaves the office with me anymore and much to my disapproval Nadine's always at his side. And it hurts me to watch them sometimes.

Like today during the board meeting, she pulled a show again for everyone and Dean's eyes were on her the entire time. It was like she was asking him to fuck her right then and there and even with me there, both of them didn't seem to think about me once. My heart squeezes watching them like that.

As the two of them spend every evening together and Dean now often comes back way gone midnight, I've even asked him if they were having an affair a couple of times already. He keeps on repeating how much he hates her and having to spend time with her. Why does he look like that at her then?

Besides he never says a word when she clings on to his arms or touches his chest. Just like now while leaving the meeting. I fall a couple of steps behind them because I don't want to look like I'm running away from them, which I likely would if I were in front of them. Dean turns around to me.

"Walk ahead Nadine, I'll be right with you", he tells her. And I don't know whether to be happy he realized me at all, or to be angry he'll be hurrying to her.

"No Dean, we need to", she starts off, but Dean cuts her off.

"I'll be right there I said, just give me a moment", his voice is a little strained causing her to huff but leave.

"Hey Honey, you ok? You look a little pale."

"Wow, nice to realize my boyfriend sees me and he even notices I'm pale."

"Of course I see you, what's this fuck about again?", he scoffs.

"I don't know, your eyes glued to your ex, just as your time. Or perhaps the fact that she keeps on touching you although you promised me, to make her stop", I try to keep it quiet so the others won't catch on. Luckily this is an empty area and the board has already left.

"Are we fucking talking about this shit again? Stop being so god damn jealous. I'm together with you, aren't I? Nadine and I are just trying to make it less awkward if we have to work so much together."

I'm still wondering what kind of work that's supposed to be. When ever I enter his office, she's taking care of her nails, reading magazines, oh and in between I find her in front of a laptop. Alright I should mention when ever she's at the laptop, she's on shopping sites crashing daddy's credit card, but at least she knows how to run the laptop. I wonder how he can still be rich, with a daughter like her.

"Well it must be a huge project if you're working day and night together. I'm just wondering how that dumbass is of any help. Oh wait it probably has something to do with nail varnish, as I think that's the only thing she's good in, or bitching."

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