Chapter 48

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Bren's POV

I take a seat at a small booth wanting coffee more than anything else but not willing to take a risk I settle for a lemonade.

"Hey," a voice says and I immediately know who's speaking.

I look up and green eyes meet mine.

"How did you know I was here?" I ask.

"I was heading to your house and saw a crowd so I just assumed," Harry replies sitting across from me.

I don't respond instead I begin to chew on my straw like a child.

"So I've been thinking a lot about you lately and everything else really," Harry says trying to keep my attention. "I want to be a good dad."


"I changed my mind. I want to be a father," he replies clearly thinking that he's pleasing me.


"What?" he asks in disbelief.

"I said no Harry," I repeat.

"But Bren you can't do that," he replies and I scoff.

"I don't need your or anyone else's help. So thanks but no thanks."

"You may not want anything to do with me but you can't just keep me from my own kid," he challenges pinching the bridge of his nose.

"I'm just doing what's best here," I reply honestly.

"Best for yourself?" he accuses staring angrily at me. "Guess we'll have to settle this in court."

"What the hell Harry?! A few days ago you didn't even want a kid and now you want to battle me for custody?! Are you fucking crazy?! The baby isn't even here yet and it's family is already dysfunctional," I whisper hurriedly.

"We could be one big happy family of you just forgive me," he replies.

"What happened to you hating me?"

"I realized that I still love you," Harry says and I roll my eyes.

"I don't believe you anymore," I reply and his face falls. "After what you said to me last time I don't want anything to do with you."

"I'm sorry. I don't know why I said what I said. It was just hard for me to see you after all this time," he replies.

"And you think it wasn't hard for me? I know I cheated and it was wrong but the way you tossed me to the side after the wedding like I was trash destroyed me."

"I was angry Bren. I was angry that you cheated on me. I was angry that you betrayed me and I was angry that you lied to me. I still am," he says and I scoff.

"You're angry, then why are you here?" I retort.

He opens his mouth as if he's about to say something before closing it again.

"I don't know even know why I continue to try with you," he sighs pinching the bridge of his nose.

"The door is that way," I reply pointing in the correct direction.

"Yeah, I can't do this right now I'll be at Brooke's when you finally decide to let me get one word in," he replies.

"Really Harry? You seriously have the nerve to come here asking for me when you haven't even cut ties with her?" I ask in disbelief.

"Why would I when I know that you're probably too bitter to forgive me anyway?" he replies.

"Bitter?" I repeat.

"Yeah bitter, I guess Adam hasn't been hitting it right."

Shots fired.

I scoff in disbelief. If he's trying to piss me off he's doing a great job. I want nothing more than to start yelling at him but I just sit there and take the hits.

"Excuse me?"

"He obviously doesn't know what he's doing. Tell him to take a slow. You and Brooke both like it like that," he replies and I instantly feel sick.

"You and her--"

"What did you expect? That I was going to sit around until another you came around?"

He's attacking me. He's deliberately trying to make me angry. I feel my eyes begin to water up and he just sits there and stares at me.

"I tried being nice," he says throwing his hands into the air in defeat.

The chatter around us seems so distant as I just hear ringing in my ears. I'm so pissed and angry and my face feels like it's burning with heat.

Harry just sits there with a smug look on his face but as soon as I begin to gather my stuff it turns into a frown. I pull a random bill out of my bag and place it on the table.

"Bye Harry," I say before walking out of the restaurant.

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