Chapter 28

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A/N: Ian Harding is Adam (ugh he's so attractive 😱😱😱)

Bren's POV

When I sit down in front of the desk Adam looks up at me from his newspaper.

"You smell like a guy," he says looking me up and down.


"You would know," I mumble biting into my not so hot, hot pocket.

"What was that?" he asks.

"Nothing," I reply.

"Harry can't come here anymore," he says making my eyes widen.

"What? How'd you know he was here?"

"Cameras," he says shrugging.

I feel my cheeks heat up and his eyes turn cold.

"So you saw all of that?" I question.

"Yeah. I see everything," he shrugs.

Not using the restroom here anymore...

"Look, if you want to keep working here we have to establish some rules."


"Rule number one: no guys here ever."

I wait for him to continue but he just sits there silently.

"Oh! That's it?!" I ask in shock.

"Yeah. If you break the rule you're fired," he says.

"Okay okay fine," I surrender rising from my seat.

"Have a wonderful day Ms. Parker," he says when I open the door.

I nod before exiting the room and getting back to work.

Later that evening, I cook some spaghetti and Harry shows up at my apartment.

"Hey," he says leaning on the doorframe.

He is dressed in all black and there's hood over his head. I pull the hood off so I can see his face.

"Why are you dressed like that?" I ask.

He steps into my apartment and heads straight for the window before pointing down. I move the blinds aside and I can see people with cameras waiting in front of the building.

"They're waiting for you," I laugh.

"Actually they were here before I arrived which means they're waiting for you," he says and I shake my head in disbelief.

"I'm not famous," I reply.

"But they want you to be," he says pointing out more people arriving.

I step away from the window and take the spaghetti out of the oven before resting it on the countertop. I feel arms snake around my waist and I'm suddenly being pulled into a hug. A kiss is placed on each cheek and each side of my neck before I'm released. I close my eyes.

"Harry I'm still-" I begin.

"I know. Recovering, finding yourself, all that nice stuff. It's fine."

"I feel like I'm using you so I can feel better when you can find someone a thousand times better," I sigh when he pulls me into a proper hug.

"I don't mind being used," he chuckles.


The next morning Harry leaves for a weekend at his mom's house so I spend the morning sleeping in. When I go to the fridge I realize that there's barely any food left so I put on some clothes and leave the apartment. While I'm walking down the street a group of girls walk towards me.

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