Chapter 5

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AP: Harry's Suite

A few hours earlier...

"Why did I even let Claire drag me to this place when I knew she was going to disappear?" Harry said to himself as he rinsed his face.

He stared at his reflection in the filthy bathroom mirror letting the pulsing music from outside clear some of his thoughts.

Claire had left him stranded and his phone had long since died. He wasn't in the mood to go outside and deal with all of the commotion and paps when they discovered his location.

"What now?" he mumbled leaning against the bathroom wall.

He stood there pondering strategies on how to make it out unnoticed. He was sure he saw a payphone somewhere before he came into bathroom. He didn't want anyone to see him so he had to be extremely fast.

He pushed himself off the wall and unlocked the bathroom door. Peeking his head out he looked left and right making sure that it was completely empty. Satisfied he rushed out of the bathroom and jogged down the short corridor looking behind him to make sure he was still alone.

He felt a sudden an impact in his rib.

"Agh!" he winced sucking in a sharp breath at the stinging pain.

He looked down at the girl who was on the floor feeling around for something.

"I'm so sorry!" she shrieked.

"Partly my fault," he said hiding his pain as he rubbed his hand over the place of impact.

"Man, I shouldn't have been running like that. So sorry," she sighed looking down at her dirt stained dress.

Her voice was soft and sincere and for a moment he forgot that he was trying not to be noticed.

"It's fine, don't worry about it love," he laughed nervously. He wanted to leave without coming across as rude, but she began to stand up and he knew it was too late.

Her eyes met his and they widened. Her mouth hung open in surprise and for a second it looked as if she was going to say something. Instead of words, a steady stream of vomit poured out of her mouth drenched his whole front.

He immediately jumped back in shock. His white t-shirt stuck to his skin and the yellowish liquid dripped from his pants along with small solid bits.

He looked back at her in disbelief unable to utter a word. Her eyes began to drop and she leaned forward towards him as if she was going to vomit again.

He immediately took four steps back putting him out of her line of fire. She tipped forward and before he realized that she was falling it was too late. He winced at the sound of her head bouncing off the cold concrete leaving a stream of blood pouring down the side of her face.

"Oh my god," he gasped rushing over to examine her.

Blood flowed steadily from a huge hash on forehead. She was out like a light.

Harry pressed his fingers against her neck to check her pulse. He didn't feel a thing since his own heart was beating even faster.

His thoughts ran wild as he thought about what to do next. He had nothing to stop the bleeding with so he reached deep into his pocket for his phone to call an ambulance.

He pressed the power button only to be shown the battery signal—dead.

He hesitated for a second before grabbing her clutch purse and rummaging through it. The first thing his hand landed on was her phone.
The service was awful in the building, but he hoped the emergency call would go through.

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