Chapter 3

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AP: Angela

Bren woke up to the smell of breakfast cooking upstairs. She dragged herself up the flight of stairs and into the main dining area.

"Good morning! I made some breakfast, but this is a one time thing. Don't ever expect me to cook for you again," she joked sliding the full plate down the counter to her.


"Eat a lot, so you can have energy to party tonight," she smiled as she cracked more eggs.

"I'm not going..." Bren sighed as she cut her pancake.

"What do you mean you're not going? You told Emma that you were. Was the breakfast too much? I should've just bought cereal then... It's not too late! What kind of cereal do you li—"

"The breakfast is fine Ang, but I only told Emma I'd go so she'd stop pestering me," Bren responded taking a bite out of the fluffy pancake.

"Brennnnnnnn," she whined. "Pleeeeeeaaaaase goooooooo."

She took a few more bites out of her pancake before answering.


"How about I let you live here for good?" she bargained.

"Like... For free?" Bren asked with wide eyes.

"Not exactly, just take whatever you were going to spend on an apartment and slice it in half."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes I'm serious," Angela confirmed.

"All I have to do is go with you guys?"

"And participate. . ."

"Well, I'm in! You haven't changed much since middle school. You still make big offers on small deals," Bren laughed.

"What are you talking about?" Angela questioned.

"Remember when you gave that kid Hunter your Dolce & Gabbana jacket for the answers to the pre-algebra homework? And how he bought a whole new wardrobe with it?" Bren recalled as she put her bare dish in the sink.

"Yeah I remember..." she grumbled as Bren walked out of the kitchen.

"I'll be back, I have to talk to Em about my clothing choice for this evening," she said already jogging up the stairs.

Emma had their dresses lain perfectly ironed on her bed and she was seeing which accessories went best with each. All three were uncomfortably short with lace in all of the wrong places.

"Which one is mine?" Bren asked walking over for a closer look.

"This one," Emma replied pointing at the middle dress.

"I'm not wearing that piece of spare fabric," she objected adding a bit force to her voice.

"You didn't have a problem with it yesterday," Emma replied.

"I had no intention of actually going so I didn't really care, but now... That's not going to work."

"I just wanted to make sure you look hot! What if that doctor guy is there? You'd want him to notice you," she exclaimed.

"He doesn't seem like the type to attend events like this. I doubt he looks for who is showing the most thigh when he's out... Besides, I can be modest and sexy," Bren replied.

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