Chapter 46

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Bren's POV

When I leave the apartment I climb into the first taxi I see and ask to be taken home. However, once we get ten minutes into the drive traffic gets awful and it makes me fifteen minutes late. Adam was supposed to help me look for a larger flat this afternoon after I went to Niall's. He was supposed to take me house hunting but unfortunately some person decided to run over a fire hydrant and cut off access to the main road.


When I finally pull up in front of my house I have to walk extremely fast because it's starting to rain. On days like this I miss living in California even more than usual. I head up to my apartment and unlock the door before stepping into my living room. I shake the beads off water out of my hair and hang my jacket up before shifting my gaze to the living room.

Adam is standing and Harry is sitting on my sofa and they're both staring at me with blank expressions. I stumble back against the door out of momentary surprise.

"Shit," I sigh clutching my purse. "You scared me half to death."

Adam smiles a little and puts his hands in his pockets before looking at his feet. I look over at Harry and he's still staring.

"What's going on here? Is this some kind of intervention?" I ask setting my purse down and stepping away from the door.

"No," Adam says. "I don't know what's going on here. He just showed up."

"Why didn't you call the cops?" I ask and Harry narrows his eyes at me.

"I need to talk to you," he says.

"You did, remember?" I tell him crossing my arms.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said," he replies and I shake my head.

"Then why'd you say it?"

"I don't know! I was caught off guard. I love you," he says and Adam clears his throat.

"Bren, you really shouldn't be listening to this nonsense," he says but Harry just rolls his eyes.

"You're right," I reply turning back to Harry. "Get the hell out."

"What? Bren are you seriously doing this?" he asks.

"Yes, I'm seriously doing this. You can't just say things to people and expect there not to be any repercussions," I reply and he just runs a hand through his hair.

"Hear me out baby. Please."

"Don't--don't call me that. Leave," I repeat and when he doesn't move I say it with more force. "Leave."

He slowly rises from the sofa and leaves my apartment without another word. I let out a deep sigh when I hear the door slam shut and turn to Adam.

"I understand how hard that must've been for you," he says breaking the silence and I shake my head.

"No," I sigh. "You really don't."

"But I do. I know how hard these past few weeks have been for you and for you to take care of this situation like this. Well it--it shows that you're a strong person."

"No, it just shows that I'm done taking shit from people," I reply and he smiles at me.

"Yeah that too," he laughs.

"I'm just done playing games, you know?" I reply looking down at my stomach. "This isn't a game any more. Things got real serious real fast and now since I'm over it all of a sudden he wants to cooperate but that's not how it works."

"Yeah, I'm just glad you're okay now," he says.

"I was upset for no reason. It seems so stupid thinking about it now. Thanks for being here to help me."

"No problem. It was fun being around," he replies before checking his watch.

"Sure it was," I reply rolling my eyes.

"I think I should be heading off. I have a business meeting early tomorrow morning but if you need something call me," he says placing a gentle kiss on my cheek.

For once I don't flinch I just stand there as he hugs me before flashing his cheeky smile. He walks out of the door and locks it behind him leaving me finally at peace with myself.

After taking my prenatal vitamins I fix a glass of water for my side table before heading to bed. Sleep comes easily for the first time in a while. It's like as soon as I close my eyes I'm out.

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