Chapter 35

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A/N: This chapter has badly written sexual material in it so if you aren't comfortable with that then just skip to Chapter 36.

Bren's POV

It takes me a second to make up my mind but I simply nod become I'm astonished out how the day turned out. This morning I wanted my life to end and now I feel more alive than ever.

"Yes that'd be wonderful," I reply and he smiles.

"Great, call me tomorrow and we can speak more about it in my office," he says and I nod excitedly before he walks away.

I run through the backstage area and through a door before I see Harry looking around with his hands in his pockets. I literally jump on him and he tenses before relaxing and wrapping his arms around me as I squeal.

"What happened?" he asks and I fill him in on the offer I just took.

"That's great babe," he says giving me a small smile. "Are you ready?"

"Yeah," I reply and he starts to walk off before I grab him by the arm. "Harry, I was just thinking that we should go to your house this time."

He nods intertwining his hand with mine. "Sure."

We walk outside and back into the car. It's dark outside now and more people are yelling my name than Harry's. The flashes go off and as the door shuts fans flank both sides of the car. The driver pulls out onto the main road and Harry sits back and takes a deep breath as we head to his place.

When we arrive he helps me out of the car before heading to the door of the house and unlocking it.

"Um... This is my place," he says before shutting the door behind him.

I look up to the balcony above us before turning to Harry.

"So are you going to give me the grand tour?" I ask.

"Yeah, sure," he replies. "Follow me."

We walk through a doorway into the kitchen and I run my hand across the marble countertops as we pass them. We enter the dining room, followed by the living room, followed by the den. He shows me two of the guest rooms before we head up the stairs.

He shows me the theatre, exercise room, the office, the library, and the two extra rooms before we come to a stop at the end of the hall. He opens the door and I walk in.

"This is my room," he says looking around the massive space.

"It's big," I chuckle. "Bigger than my whole apartment."

He doesn't say anything.

"Are you still mad about what I said about the modeling thing?" I ask leaning on the wall with crossed arms.

He places his hands on either side of my head before getting so close I can smell his spearmint gum.

"I was never mad. I just prefer not talking about her," he says referring to Claire and I sigh before walking under his arm bridge.

"You tease," I scoff.

He grabs me by my wrist and pulls me back taking my by surprise before pressing me against the wall and kissing me. He moves down my neck and places kisses down to my collarbone.

"Harry stop," I warn half-heartedly.

Harry don't stop.

"Did I tell you how hot you looked today?" he breathes between kisses. "I've been waiting so patiently for this."

What? Wait, no.

I prepare myself to tell him to push him off of me but his kisses get a bit lower and I lose my train of thought. He lifts me over to his bed before laying me gently on the edge of the huge expanse. He continues peppering kisses on my skin and I try my best not to start freaking out.

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