Chapter 37

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Harry's POV

I watch as her plane takes off and when it's out of sight I instantly start missing her. I head back home before getting ready for my meeting. Modest scheduled a meeting for me and only me for this afternoon. When I arrive at the building I reluctantly head up to the top floor and sit in the waiting room.

An hour or so later, I'm called into the head office and I take a seat in front of my boss's desk.

"Nice to see you again Harry," he says and I simply nod.

Get to the point.

"So, what is this?" he says setting a familiar black box on his desk.

"You went through my stuff?" I ask and he just stares at me before opening the box.

"This is a hundred thousand dollar ring. Please tell me this isn't for that girl," he says narrowing his eyes at me. "How long have you known this girl?"

"Long enough to know what I want," I reply. "Is that a problem?"

"Yes it is actually. Why do you have to date a black girl anyway? I mean you can have any girl you want but you choose a black girl," he says running his hand down his face. "Are you even sure that she likes you Harry? For all you know she could just be with you for the money and you're going through all this for her? I mean you know what they're like; are you really going to take that risk? Look, just break up with her. Better yet get back with Taylor! Everything will be so much better!"

I'm speechless. Completely speechless.

My first instinct is to punch him or yell in his face but both of those options would lead to me getting put in handcuffs again. I stand there and try to get my mind together. His words left me stunned I can't fully comprehend how someone can be so rude. It's like everything freezes. Time just stops for a moment.

How fucking dare he.

His words finally register in my mind and I try my best to keep my anger under wraps. I clench my fists at my sides and take a deep breath.

"I quit," I say firmly and his authoritative facial expression drops.

"That violates your contra--," he says before I cut him off.

"Sue me then. I don't care," I shrug pulling my jacket back on and snatching the box off of his desk.

"Harry do you even realize what you're throwing away here? Do you know how your bandmates will feel? How your fans will feel? If you're doing this for her than it's not heroic. It's stupid. They're all going to know you're leaving because of her," he says hurriedly as I head towards the door.

"I'm not leaving because of her. I'm leaving because I'm tired of everything. Especially people telling me who I should or shouldn't be with."

"You're making the biggest mistake of your life Harry. I'm telling you," he says when I pull the door open.

"No, I'm not actually," I reply tucking the box into my pocket before heading back towards the elevator.

Bren's POV

"Welcome have a drink! Have a seat!" one of the cast members called from the other side of the bar. Been obliged sitting in an empty seat twiddling her fingers.

She didn't know anyone there and even though they were going to be working together for the next week, she wasn't in the mood to make friends.

Adam slid into the seat next to her and she tried her best to hide her face behind her drink menu.

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