Chapter 25

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Bren's POV

When Harry leaves I go inside my suite and take a long relaxing bath. I leave my phone on the side of the bath and turn on a peaceful playlist on Spotify.

'Reflections' comes on and I hum along to the music as I submerge half of my face in the water. The only thing that isn't underwater are my eyes and it's very comfortable besides the burning sensation of my lungs struggling to get air. I come up for a breath before exhaling and running my hands through my hair. Water droplets run down my face and I wipe them away.

I sit and think about Robert and how much of a mess he's made of things, but then I think about Harry and the feel of his lips against mine. I find myself smiling instead of crying and by the time I get out of the bath the water is cold.

I climb out of the bath and let the water out before drying my hair and changing into some shorts and Harry's Rolling Stones t-shirt. I turn on the TV and flip through the channels for a while before there's a knock at my door.

"Who is it?" I ask not bothering to get up and check.

"Liam," the voice calls.

I get up and open the door and he strolls in with a box of Oreos.

"You ready to talk," he says taking a seat in my mini dining area.

"Yes," I reply. "Um... You brought Oreos?"

"Of course I did," he says. "Why wouldn't I?"

I shrug and he pulls out a chair for me before opening the box of Oreos. I sit down and take three while he sits with his hands folded waiting.

"Start?" I ask when he continues to sit patiently as I stuff my face.

"When you're ready."

"Okay," I reply exhaling. "You remember Robert, right?"

He squints.

"That guy from the hotel?"

"Yeah him," I nod.

"I remember," he says.

"Well, it turns out he's a drug dealer."

"Are you serious?!" he gasps.

"Yes! On top of that he cheated on me-well almost cheated on me," I add.

"Wow that's terrible. How could he do that to you? He seemed like a nice guy," Liam says in disbelief.

"He was a manipulative liar," I respond as I begin to tear up again.

Liam hugs me and rubs my back in a friendly way.

"It's okay Bren. You'll always have me and Harry," he says. "But mostly me," he adds earning a laugh from me.

"Thanks Liam. It's nice to have someone to talk to," I respond.

"Any time," he says. "Tomorrow we all have an interview for Wake Up Miami so we have to wake up early. I have to go to bed."

"Oh okay," I respond.

"You can come with us or if you want to sleep in we should be back by one," he says.

"I'll sleep in. The time difference is starting to drain me. Goodnight Liam," I say hugging him again.

"Night," he says before heading out of the door.


The Next Morning...

I wake up extremely hungry. I walk over to the phone and order some waffles. Minutes later, a woman in a white apron shows up with my food and I thank her before closing the door and settling on the couch. I flip through channels as I eat and I stop flipping when I catch of glimpse of my face on the TV. The interviewer is talking to Harry and I turn up the volume to hear what they're saying.

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