Chapter 8

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A/N: Attached picture of Nick.

Emma's POV

I wake up to a bright light shining in my face and I immediately spring up and look around before realizing there is a guy standing near the window staring at me.

"Woah! Are you okay? I just wanted to open the curtain," he says. "Your doctor is on his way..."

"U-umm..." I begin but my throat shrinks and begins to close.

"Oh sorry! They said that you might need some water," he says before walking to my bedside and pouring some in a glass.

He hands it to me. "Here you go..."

I try my best to say 'Thank you' but it comes out as an unnatractive groan.

He laughs and I roll my eyes taking the glass from him before gulping down the liquid and handing the cup back.

"More?" he asks.

I nod.

The next ten minutes pass this way, he pours a glass I gulp it down hand it back before he refills it.

"Oh my god, thank you..." I sigh out of breathe after I feel sufficiently hydrated.

"No problem," he says sitting down in an armchair next to the hospital bed.

He looks around next to him and reaches in between the seat cushion before he pulls out a black remote.

"So... Who are you?" I ask after he turns on the TV and acts as if he's not a complete stranger.

"Nick," he replies flipping through the channels.

"Where did you come from?" I ask.

"I don't know what you mean by that," he replies going through the channel guide. "But I go to UCLA so I think that explains enough..."

"What do you study?" I ask feeling slightly more comfortable.

"Engineering," he replies still scrolling through channels. "You?"

"Journalism," I reply.

"Oh that's why..." he chuckles.

"Why what?" I press.

"Why you're so nosey," he replies smiling to himself.

I glare at him as he turns the channel to the news.

God I hate the news...

"So Nick, why are you here?" I ask desperately wanting him to go back to where he came from so I can change the channel.

"I tagged along," he says turning to look at me with brilliant blue eyes.

"Well you should go somewhere el--" I begin before he cuts me off.

"I was asked to tell you a girl named Brendalyn Parker called," he says before turning away and staring at the muted TV.

"Oh my god!" I yell in relief. "Really?! She's okay?!"

"She's perfectly fine. Besides a few stitches but she wasn't kidnapped or anything... Your friend Angela is going to pick her up after you get released," he says grinning from ear to ear.

"Oh! I'm so relieved!" I say already feeling better.

Now if I could just get him to leave...

"So how long have I been out?" I ask thinking of a plan.

"Umm... From three this morning to now..." he says glancing over at a clock on a wall that reads: 4:39pm

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