Chapter 2

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Registration went smoothly followed by a session of goodbyes and constricting hugs. They watched as Matthew and her dad drove off leaving them to their own devices. They had approximately two weeks before school started, but so much to prepare for.

"Let's go see what kind of clubs they have," Emma said grabbing Bren's arm and tugging her in the other direction.

They went from table to table picking up brochures, signing petitions, and just scoping out their classmates.

"Are you staring at that guy over there?" Emma said pointing at a table a few feet away from them.

"I just want to know what he's giving out. It looks like it could be helpful to me," she replied.

"Go talk to him," Emma responded.

"What?! No!"

"You have to! Don't pass up the chance!" Emma demanded.

"Emma, you know I get nerv—" she began before she felt a push.

She stumbled right up to the table. The table itself was plain white, not nearly as interesting as the others, but the guy sitting behind it was very interesting. He was tall, dark, and extremely handsome.

"Are you okay?" he asked raising an eyebrow as she stood up straight trying to hide her embarrassment.

"I'm great," she replied brushing her hair out of her face.

He smiled a little. "So you're pretty red?"

"W-what?" she stammered.

"I said, you're pre-med?" he repeated.

"Um, yeah, how did you know?"

"You walked up to the table with a giant stethoscope and the guy in a lab coat so there must be some correlation," he chuckled.

"You certainly processed me quickly," she replied.

"I do that... My name is Nate by the way," he said holding out a hand which she shook.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Brendalyn."

"Unique name. It won't be easy to forget," he replied causing her to blush.

"So, I heard that they have some of the best science facilities here—is that true?" Brendalyn asked instantly losing the eavesdropping ears of Emma.

She casually walked a distance away from them finding a nice shady bench to sit on. Someone slid into the space next to her and gently tapped her shoulder.

"Hey," he greeted. "This might seem a little weird but can I borrow your phone for a second?"

She looked him up and down. He was well-dressed and looked clean, not what you would expect from your average phone snatcher.

"I promise I won't run off with your phone. Here, take my car keys," he said pulling a jingling set out of his pocket and placing it in her lap.

She unlocked her phone and placed it in his hand praying to God that he wasn't going to infect it with a virus or steal all of her information. He fiddled around with her phone for a few seconds before handing it back.

"That's it?" she chuckled trying to hide her confusion as he stood from the bench.

"Umm, yeah. Don't forget to call me," he said shoving his keys in his pocket before strolling away.

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