Chapter 23

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Harry's POV

The next morning I wake up to the sound of shuffling around the room. I wake up and see Brendalyn on the other side of the room typing away on her phone.

"What are you doing?" I moan groggily.

"Checking my Twitter," she says. "Louis just followed me."

"Oh," I chuckle wiping the sleep out of my eyes.

"Should I tell my friends I'm with you? They'll probably send out a search party if I don't."

"Your friend Emma already knows you're with me. She just doesn't know we're leaving today," I respond.

She twirls her phone in her hand and mumbles something like 'fuck it' under her breath before slipping her shirt off. She's wearing a white lace bra and her brown skin is flawless. Her curves send me into a spiral which I'm broken out of all too soon when she replaces the shirt with another.

"What?" she says looking up.

"You're so beautiful," I admit.

She smiles super hard and hides her face a bit.

"When are we leaving?" she asks.

"Well our plane leaves in three hours so I guess now," I say looking at my watch.

"Okay, I'm ready," she says getting up from the sofa and tossing her bag over her shoulder.

I pull on a shirt and grab my bag before following her out of the suite. We go downstairs and check out of the hotel before going outside and making our way to the car. I put our bags in the trunk while she climbs in the car attempting to hide from the cameras. When everything is in its place I climb in and we make our way to the airport.

When we reach the airport security flanks us making it hard to navigate through the airport. We miss the private terminal three times when finally terminal P2 comes into view. I flash my ID and the flight attendant pulls the rope aside before letting Brendalyn and I walk across to the private jet sent to pick me up.

"That was crazy," Bren sighs slumping into the seat next to mine.

"For a minute there I thought we were about to get mobbed," I laugh.

Her eyes widen.

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah, it's not as bad as it sounds, it's just like getting ran over by a stampede of bulls who touch you inappropriate places," I joke.

"Sounds bad," she murmurs before the flight attendant emerges from the kitchen.

She goes through the whole flight precautions and safety drills before we begin to taxi on the runway. By this time Bren has both earphones in her ear and her eyes closed.

The plane lurches forward and we begin to accelerate before we are lifted off the ground. The plane goes higher and higher and I tap Brendalyn on the shoulder and she takes her earphones out.

She looks out of the window and her face lights up in excitement. The city slowly grows smaller and the plane tilts as it heads for the mountains. The sun hits her face and her eyes turn light brown along with her hair. A small smile is on her face as the city disappears along with her problems. She looks over at me and flashes her bright smile and I can't help but to smile back. I intertwine our finger and much to my surprise she leaves our hands together. She closes her eyes again and falls asleep with her hand in mine.


Two hours later she wakes just as I'm half asleep.

"You know I've never been in a private jet. Or to the East Coast," she says.

"Really?" I yawn.

"Yeah," she says. "I've always wanted to visit Atlanta or New York but never got around to it."


"School," she sighs. "There's no time to rest. It's like-when you finish high school you jump into college and when you finish college you jump into a career. The only time you have to rest is when you retire but that's too long a wait."

"I guess you can consider this your gap year/rest."

"I don't think a week or so counts as a gap year," she groans.

"Who said you were only staying a week?"

"Common sense. I don't have a house. I don't have any money and I don't have anything but the stuff in my bag. This was a bad idea Harry," she sighs pulling her hand out of mine.

"You can stay as long as you want. Don't worry about it. What are friends for?" I press.

She looks over at me.

"Thanks Harry," she says kissing my cheek.

"No problem," I respond.

The plane starts its descent and pretty soon we're back on the ground. When we get off the plane there are barricades set up and screaming fans everywhere. Everyone is trying to get a glimpse of me and the stunning girl beside me. Brendalyn starts to speed walk when she sees people taking pictures of her and I struggle to keep up with her. Security follows us close behind and blocks people who get a little too rowdy. When we reach the end of the terminal there are even more people and I try to steer Brendalyn in the other direction when all of a sudden she drops her bag and runs all the way down in that direction and past security; I can see Liam waiting at the end with his arms wide open.

Bren's POV

"LIAAAAAAMMM," I scream louder than every girl in the area.

I run straight up to him and wrap him in a big bear hug.

"Welcome to Miami," he coughs as the impact of my squeeze travels through his body.

"Thank you," I laugh loosening my grip. "Sorry, it's been a while..."

"I know it has. Sorry I haven't been able to contact you. It's been so hectic with the tour and everything. It's good to see you," he chuckles.

We walk towards the exits and climb in a car. Minutes later, Harry climbs in too and sits across from us.

"So, Bren what happened?" he asks his face getting all serious.

"Um well-" I begin.

"She doesn't want to talk about it," Harry snaps crossing his arms.

"Actually I do. Not talking about it doesn't change the fact that it happened," I challenge.

Rude ass.

"It's okay Bren," Liam says. "You can tell me later."

I send Harry a look and he stares back at me with no expression.

"Thanks for coming Liam," I smile turning my attention back.

"It was my pleasure," he says. "Every one else was getting ready for a beach party tonight. You should come."

"No," Harry cuts in. "I think she'd much rather rest."

"No, Harry," I snap. "I think I know what I'd much rather do and sit in silence is not one of them."

Liam looks between us.

"Umm so are you going?"

Harry says 'no' at the same time I say 'yes' and I narrow my eyes at him.

"Yes, I'm going Liam. Thanks for inviting me," I reply.

"I'm going too," Harry interrupts.

I roll my eyes and he smirks at me.

"Great-um-we can head back for you guys to get changed and we can head out I guess."

"Okay," I reply smiling.

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