Chapter 33

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Bren's POV

Harry makes a pot of chicken noodle soup and says 'it's good for the soul' over and over until I consume every single last drop. When I'm finished he makes me another bowl and forces me to eat all of it again. By the time I'm finished I feel like a marshmallow.

"Would you like another bowl?" he asks.

"No Harry, I'm going to explode. I've had enough chicken noodle soup! I won't want any chicken noodle soup for at least three years," I whine and he laughs.

"You should probably start getting dressed," he says and I sigh.


"Well, I have a charity fashion show to attend and you're my date," he says causing me to grimace.

"Harry. I'm. Fine."

"Brendalyn. You're. Going," he says disappearing into my bedroom.

He comes out with a dress, some heels, and a cardigan. He's better at dressing me than I am.

"Here," he says tossing the clothes onto the sofa next to me.

I sigh and take off my shirt before pulling the dress over my head. He looks up at me.

"What? I'm getting dressed, apparently I can't be trusted to be by myself right now. If you want to help all you have to do is ask," I laugh before pulling my shorts off and throwing them at him. I throw my cardigan on and put on the heels.

I glance down at my wrist knowing that'll raise suspicion.

"What am I supposed to do about this," I ask him holding up the bandaged area.

"Umm," he disappears from the room and I hear him go into the kitchen before heading back into my room.

He comes back out shortly after with a large bandaid and some bangles. I give him a thumbs up before putting them on.

"Ready?" he asks.

"Yeah," I mutter grabbing my coat off of my rack before walking out of the door and locking it behind me.

We head downstairs and I see Harry's security waiting for us downstairs. They guide us into the car and we head off to wherever our destination is.

When we arrive flashes from bulbs and cameras go off and Harry pulls me closer to him by the waist. I copy him and begin to wave at the cameras.

"Just keep smiling," Harry says through clenched teeth.

I keep up my wide smile until we reach the entrance. Harry guides me through the door and into the large foyer. I look around and have to stop to take it all in. Every famous person I've loved over the years is in the room.

Ed Sheeran passes by and winks at Harry, it takes everything in me not to reach out and touch him.

"Come on," Harry says looping my arm through his.

He leads me past so many people and introduces me to just as many before we take our seats. Everyone else as casually lounges around and talks amongst themselves in their seats and Harry rests his hand on mid-thigh.

"Any higher and I'll--" I begin.

"Water?" a man asks holding a few bottles asks interrupting me.

"No thanks," Harry and I both reply and the guy nods and walks away.

Suddenly a girl passes by us with a distressed look on her face. Harry and I watch her run by and she disappears for a few seconds before running back in the other direction. She does this a few times before stopping right in front of Harry and I.

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