Chapter 42

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Bren's POV

I've already spent two weeks in Argentina and we've only filmed the first forty-five minutes of the movie. I go over my lines in my dressing room mirror and eat a banana off of my vanity before heading out on set. For the whole week I've been feeling a bit out of my element but with the time limit drawing near I have to stay on my A-game.

I stand in my spot and wait for my cue before going through the scene. I mess up the first few times because I feel my head pounding. After forgetting my lines four times the director calls for a break.

I'm so exhausted mentally and physically so when I try to climb down the stairs are collapse and everything goes black.


Everything is so bright when I wake up. I lift my hand up to cover my eyes only to find that there is a tube attached to my arm. I grasp it and start to tug on it trying to pull it out of my arm.

"No, don't pull out the IV," David, my co-star, says.

"It's uncomfortable," I sigh letting go of the tube.

"Sorry," he shrugs.

A nurse strolls in with a clipboard and checks my vitals. I ask her to take the IV out but she refuses even after I insist that I'm fine.

"It seems as if you have anemia," she says to me and I close my eyes hoping I can just ignore her until she disappears.

"Don't go back to sleep Brendalyn," David says.

"I'm not trying to sleep," I snap opening my eyes to glare at him.

"Ma'am we're going to have to draw some blood and put it through tests as soon as possible," she tells me but I just shake my head 'no'.

"I'll wait until I get home. I have to get back to the studio," I tell her.

"Ma'am that's not a very good ide--"

"I'll wait until I get home," I repeat. "I don't have time to be sick. Just give me some iron pills and call it a day."

The nurse narrows her eyes at me.

"This can turn into something serious. The more you push it off the worse it can get. I can't give you anything. We're not even sure if you have it. It could be worse. You waiting isn't hurting anyone but yourself," she says.

"Exactly, now please let me sign something so I can get back to work," I reply and she gives me an annoyed look before leaving the room.

"Brendalyn, I think you should really get tested now," David says and I just roll my eyes at him.

"I feel fine. I'm sure it was just a bit of energy deprivation. Honestly, I'm fine."

He gives me a concerned look before nodding.

"Okay," he says before the nurse comes back in.

She hands me a piece of paper and a pen and I sign it quickly. She takes the IV out of my arm and hands me my shoes. I quickly hop up from the bed and David and I head back to the studio.

The producer notifies everyone that we'll be finishing filming in a month and that the location is being moved to London. He says that the water here isn't as safe as he thought and that it is in everyone's best interest to head home immediately.

I head back to my hotel that afternoon and book the next flight to London.


The flight is peaceful and we arrive at Heathrow on time. When I arrive at home I collapse on my bed and fall asleep. That doesn't last very long before I'm woken by Adam.

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