Chapter 17

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So this was kind of a filler chapter so the next one is much better but I wanted to update today in order to thank you all for 5,000 reads!

Bren's POV

After dropping Robert off at the hospital I drive back home in silence. When I get home I change my clothes and go to bed without so much as glancing at Emma and Angela staring at me from the couch.

The next morning I wake up and check my phone expecting to see a ton of calls and texts from Harry but I see none. I trudge up the stairs and pass by Emma and Ang on the couch to go to the kitchen. Usually they would ask me what happened last night and why I came home so late but now their eyes were glued to the TV.

I shuffle into the kitchen dragging my feet on the hardwood floor. I go straight to the refrigerator and pull out a jug of milk before looking in the cabinet for cereal. We have Fruit Loops and Cinnamon Toast Crunch and of course I choose the latter. Who likes Fruit Loops anyway?

I make my cereal and put everything back before leaning against the counter and enjoying my overly sweetened cereal.

"Bren. You have to see this," Ang calls from the den.

I walk back into the other room just as she turns up the TV. On it a news reporter is talking about an incident at the hospital.

'Last night famous pop star, Harry Styles, was arrested on accounts of battery and aggravated assault.'

I let out an involuntary gasp.

'He was seen entering the hospital with this unidentified young woman and was taken to the Los Angeles County Men's Central Jail last night around nine. A bail of $250,000 was posted last night and now the star is out and laying low.'

A picture of me entering the hospital with Harry flashes across the screen followed by a mug shot of him with a swollen face and blue and purple bruises.

Angela clicks the TV off.

"Why didn't you tell us?" she questions.

"There was nothing to tell," I lie.

"Apparently that reporter doesn't think so! " Emma exclaims.

"What happened Bren?" she presses.

"I told you!"




"I don't know! I just went downstairs and they were killing each other when I came back!"

"Robert didn't tell you anything?"

"He said he was defending my honor or something like that."

"Why would your honor need defending," Emma laughs.

"Harry lied and said I slept with him," I reply looking down at my feet.

"OH HELL NAW!" Angela screams getting her purse.

"What are you doing," Emma sighs.

"I'm going to the Four Seasons to beat some ass," she snaps.

"No Ang no," Emma scolds as if she's talking to a four year old.

"That's not a good idea Ang," I agree.

She plops back on the couch.

"So you're okay with that? Him spreading rumors about you and almost ruining your relationship? I don't know what petty game he's playing but he can find another girl because that girl is not you Bren," she says anger in her voice.

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