Chapter 18

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Warning: Sexual Nature

Bren's POV

The next morning I wake up and even though I had less than five hours of sleep I still wake up energized and ready for my first day of university. I throw on my outfit and fix my hair before packing all of my things in my bag and rushing upstairs to get a pop tart. As I eat there's a knock on the door and I rush to get it. Robert is left standing there worth a huge smile on his face.

"Right on time," I exclaim glancing back at the clock.

"Good morning beautiful, are you ready?" he asks snaking his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him. He kisses my forehead and spins me around.

"Yes," I laugh.

He looks down at his watch.

"Our first class starts at 11," he says.

"Okay, Emma's journaling class started at 9 and Angela left for business management an hour ago," I reply.

"Oh," he says. "Well let's go then."

He grabs my hand and leads me down to his car. Outside is warm already and people are playing across the street in the park. We drive off to the direction of the school and pass by tons of people headed to the same place. When we finally reach the school Robert pulls into a parking lot and hangs a yellow tag on his rear view mirror. We park directly in front of the hall for medicine and nursing.

We both climb out of the car and are almost immediately bombarded with people handing out flyers and brochures. People outside are doing their various activities and I smile at everyone who greets us. When we finally enter the building it is filled with professors and students rushing around and freshman everywhere. Robert guides me through the hallway.

"Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life," he says dramatically earning a laugh from me.

We walk around the building and he shows me all of our classes. The science facilities are so advanced and modern that it takes me a while to process everything at once. Before I know it it's 11 and Robert and I make our way to our biology class. Our teacher Mr. Hastings arrives twenty minutes late and forgets his lesson plan for the day, so instead of explaining what we'll be learning in his class, he rants on the absurdness of quantum physics. After half an hour of watching the old man scream over nothing I turn my attention to Robert-who's still listening intently. I kiss his cheek and he looks over at me.

"Hey," I whisper.

"Hey," he says smiling.

"Do you have any idea what he's talking about?"

"Nope," he chuckles.

"Perfect," I say smiling before kissing him gently on the lips. His bruises have been healing pretty well, so I decide that a little roughness won't hurt.

I kiss him harder and it turns into a full make out session in the back of the classroom. We kiss for a few seconds before I stop.

Something's off.

I break away from the kiss and realize that the teacher has stopped talking and is staring straight at us.

"This is not the time for such intimacy," he snaps.

"Sorry," we both reply in sync. "Won't happen again, sir."

"Good. Now where was I? Ah! Yes-so when the particles hit the sheet they all line up in a striped patter-" he starts before I tune him out again.

"Hmmm," I hum to myself resting a hand on Robert's lap.

He looks down and then back at me.

"What?" he asks a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

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