Chapter 39

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It had been two days since the situation with Harry and even after being dumped... Bren still tried to get in contact with him.

She sent him constant voicemails and texts before trying an alternative method, giving him space and time. Her apartment seemed lonelier than usual without Harry taking up most of the breathable air in the tiny space.

She couldn't sleep and she couldn't eat because she was so worried about. He had all the stuff she left at his house delivered back to hers.

She had lost the best thing that ever happened to her due to a couple of drinks. Now, everyone thought she was a cheater who slept around when in reality...none of it was her fault.

"You really shouldn't leave your door unlocked," Adam greeted strolling inside her flat before shutting the door behind him.

"Leave right now or I'm calling the police," Bren threatened.

"There's a huge crowd of paparazzi in front of this building," he informed her.


"Brendalyn Parker's lover was seen leaving her apartment in handcuffs early this morning. Neighbors reported it may have been because of a noise complaint."

She bit her tongue and set her phone down.

"I was thinking that maybe you'd want to talk."

"Why'd you set me up? I know for a fact that we didn't really have sex."

"How do you know?"

"I would never willingly have sex with you, it doesn't matter how drunk I am. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't risk years in jail for a rape just to piss Harry off."

"You're right. I wouldn't and we didn't."

"You did set me up."

"It was with good reason," he said.

"Get the fuck out of my house, Adam," she told him, but he stayed in his spot.

"You have feelings for me. A drunk mind means an honest heart."

"No. A drunk mind means a drunk heart."

"You even said that you loved me."

"No I didn't," she snapped.

"Yes you did," he replied.

"Why would I say that? I don't love you. I don't even like you," she replied.

"Honest heart," he repeated.

"I really don't have time for your shit," she told him standing up. "I have more important things to worry about."

Adam looked at her face as if he were reading her. "You really want him back after what he did to you?" he asked grabbing her hand and pointing out the purple bruises on her skin.

She yanked her arm out of his grasp and pulled her sleeves down.

"You look terrible. . .all you do is cry, sleep, and eat."

"He was upset and drunk. If I can just talk to him sober he'll change his mind for sure," Bren informed him.

"You might think that and the next thing you know he turns the tables on you when you least expect it," he said earning a scowl.

"You don't know anything about Harry, okay? He's a good guy," she replied.

"Bren, I think that you're oblivious to what's really going on here," he said. "If he won't talk to you after this, what's going to happen when worse things go on in your relationship—"

"If you're going to talk bad about Harry for the rest of the day, I'd appreciate it if you just left now."

He sat down on her couch kicking his feet up.

"Fine, I won't talk about him," he promised.

Over the following few days, Bren got offered a few more movie deals which she passed off until Adam forced her to pick one.

"See, this'll be fun," Adam encouraged as he read over the script. 

It had been two weeks since he first came, and she hadn't left the sofa. She was afraid of going outside, watching the news, and visiting social media. It seemed like everyone on the planet thought she was a whore.

Adam had been staying at her place during the day to keep her from going insane. The whole situation was his fault, but no one held him responsible for it. Even though she hated him more than anything in the world, he was the closest thing to what she could call a friend. He was there to make sure she was okay and she was thankful for him in that sense.

"I'm not really in the mood for another movie," she told him.

"Well, you have to do something to get over being dumped," he said.

"I'll go back to school," Bren replied.

"Definitely not. I know that you're just going to take online courses. You're never going to move from that very spot on the couch unless I force you," he challenged.

"I was going to move to go to the bathroom and to the kitchen," she retorted.

"You need to live life like you did before," he said." What did you do before Harry?"

"Nothing," she replied honestly.

He pinched the bridge of his nose. "You've been sitting on this couch for two weeks. I basically have to drag you to the shower! You need to get yourself together Bren. It's not that serious."

"I know," she replied. "I just miss him."

Adam was silent for a second. "You need to get out of this apartment," he said.

Brendalyn shook her head no.

"Yes," he challenged handing her a jacket and a pair of shoes.

"I said no!" she snapped. He just rolled his eyes before putting her shoes on forcefully and yanking her off of the sofa.

"STOP IT! I don't want to go anywhere! Just leave me alone!" she screamed at the top of her lungs as he threw her over his shoulder.

He locked the door behind him and loosened his grip on her when they were out in the hallway.

"See? Was that so bad?"

He asked breathing heavily. Bren sat on the floor with her jacket gripped tightly in her hands.

"I hate you," she choked before breaking out into a fit of tears.

Adam was hurt for a second as he watched her bawl her eyes out. "Come on you're too pretty to cry!" he said reaching out a hand for her to grasp onto.

"You sound like my mom," she sniffled wiping her tears away and grabbing his hand. "I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm a mess."

"Yeah, you really are but I'd still be seen with you in public," he responded.

She stood up from the floor and dusted off her jeans. He began to walk towards the back door exit and she followed him closely behind. When he opened the door the flashes from cameras immediately began to go off and they made a break for his car.

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