Chapter 13

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Brendalyn's POV

I wake up the next morning when the back of my eyelids start to turn red from the sun. I open my eyes and look around to find that Robert is nowhere in sight.

"Great... Just great," I sigh to myself crawling out from underneath my covers.

I stumble to the restroom and wash the smell of alcohol out of my mouth before climbing up the stairs and following the sound of clanging dishes. I walk through the kitchen door and Robert is standing at the stove frying what smells like bacon.

"Oh. Good morning," he says when he turns around to get an egg.

"Morning," I reply.

"How did you sleep?" he asks.

"Umm fine I guess. You?"

"Fine," he answers before flipping a half-cooked omelet into the air.

There's a long silence as the egg lands back into the pan and starts to hiss.

"So, you can cook?" I blurt.

"Haha... Yeah," he confirms.


"So, about last night," he begins.

"I'm really sorry about that," I interrupt.

"Bren, you know I care about you right?"

I nod.

"So I don't want to rush into things."

"Where are you going with this?" I interject.

"We should wait. I want to take this relationship seriously."

"So we're in a relationship?"

"It's up to you."

"I don't know Robert... I'm still trying to adjust to everything here and school hasn't even started yet and I'm not even sure if you're my type."

"I can prove it to you," he says.


"I don't know. You decide."

"Well, I'm going home this weekend to get the rest of my stuff. You can tag along," I reply.

"I guess I'll be accompanying you then," he smiles waving his spatula around.

We spend the rest of the morning eating and watching football (which surprisingly isn't that hard to follow). Time passes pretty quickly and it's half past one by the time I hear the door click open.

"Hey guys!" Emma says.

"Hey," we respond.

"So... Robert how was your morning?" Angela asks.

He glances over at me and I see a hint of a smile on his lips before he puts on his poker face.

"Very nice thank you."

"Hmm. On a scale of 1 to 10 how nice would you rate it?"

"Angela. Shut up," I snap.

"Fine," she grumbles. "I smell bacon. I'll be in the kitchen."

"So anyways... Bren I got your outfit," Emma announces.

"Outfit for what?"

"The concert. It's tomorrow afternoon," she explains.

"Oh. I almost forgot about that."

"I can tell," she says winking at Robert thinking I wouldn't notice.

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