Chapter 20

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I attached a photo of Eve.

Bren's POV

After school I go home and get ready for Eve to pick me up. She comes exactly thirty minutes late and smells a bit like alcohol, but I don't say anything. When we arrive at the venue Eve introduces me to her friend Kayleen. She's asian and has hair that touches her tail bone. Eve heads off to dance and leaves us alone to talk.

"That girl's a wild one," Kayleen says.

"Yeah I guess," I reply tapping to the beat of the music.

"Do you want a drink?" she asks.

"Yeah sure," I accept.

A guy who works the bar comes over and she whispers in his ear something I can't hear. He looks over at me and then back at her before going back to the bar. He comes back with two drinks and hands me one. I'm a little scared to drink it but I take a sip only to realize it's just water.

"Water? Really?"

"I'm sorry. I just didn't think you could handle the hard stuff," she says.

"Of course I can handle the hard stuff," I snap.

"Okay then," she laughs calling the waiter over and asking for two shots.

He nods and comes back with two tiny glasses of clear liquid and we both gulp it down and laugh as the burning liquid settles in. Eve comes back and joins us and we end up being a laughing mess. All three of us take shots and get more and more relaxed. An hour later, these strangers are like my best friends and we move from the bar to the dance floor. We dance and dance until the music stops and the microphone turns on.

"Now we'd like to have a twerking contest. All of my ladies who can twerk come up on stage for your chance to win $200 and unlimited free drinks!" a man says.

Several girls climb on stage and Eve pulls me up on stage with her while Kayleen just laughs from the audience. He hands us each a sticker that we put on our shirts that says our contestant number.

I'm contestant number four.

They play music and we all start to twerk. When the song is over the audience votes for who won by applause and to my surprise I win. I'm handed the $200 in an envelope and given a blue ribbon sash that reads 'Twerking Champion'.

"More shots to celebrate!" Kayleen screams as she stumbles to the bar.

Eve, Kayleen, and I all have two more rounds and spend the rest of the night dancing with some UC guys. They offer to drive us home, but we just brush them off. When we decide to leave people are still arriving to see the concert. Eve and I get in the car and eat some coffee grounds so we're not as wasted before driving off to her and Kayleen's house.

"You're spending a night because I don't feel like driving you all the way to the other side of town," Eve says as she unlocks the front door.

"Okay," I agree holding the door open for Kayleen who just pulled into the driveway.

"That was funnnn," she says flopping on the couch as I shut the door.

"Yaaaas," I reply flopping on the other one and immediately falling asleep.


I wake up the next morning and realize I'm late for school, I'm wearing the same thing I did to the concert (which reeks of alcohol), I have no car, and I am a complete mess. Besides those things it could be worse; I could be hungover.

"Kayleen," I whisper.

"HUH?" she says jolting up from her spot on the couch.

"I'm late for school."

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