To Understand

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Third Person

"So... while we wait, may I ask why you actually want to save Elena from Hook yourself?"

Carlos asked after a few moments of silence right after they had shooed Chad out of their dorm room for the second time. Carlos was just glad when he told Dude that Ben had been captured he didn't tell him Elena had been captured too, he would hate for Chad to get any ideas about anything relating to Elena. Jay looked from the slowly developing wand inside the 3D printers glass case to Carlos and gave him a smolder like look,

"Well, I mean she needs rescuing, and let's be real. Hook's probably been acting like an absolute nightmare towards her, I can see it now..."

Jay drifted into a tone of cockiness and confidence into one of dreaminess, he was envisioning the scene in his head as he spoke,

"... I'll rush onto the ship sword in hand and free her from Hook's cold grasp, she'll jump into my arms and I'll take her to safety before battling Hook in an epic dual! She'll watch from the side and swoon as I knock him off his own ship into the roaring sea, then I'll take her back into my arms and we'll come back home and... I'll be her hero, she'll love me!"

He excitedly spoke, meanwhile Carlos had the most mundane expression he could conjure up on his face,

"You're kidding, right? You want to save her from Hook's clutches so she'll love you?"

"Uh duh, every princess dreams of it man! A damsel in distress in the clutches of a merciless villain, a heroic prince coming to her aid and defeating the villain to take her back to safety! This is my shot at winning her heart the old fashioned way"

Carlos was now becoming slightly amused at his friends' idea, but not convinced one bit,

"You know what else is defined as the old fashioned way? Princes' who are at least thirty one marrying a fourteen-year-old three hours after he wakes her up from taking a bite out of a poison apple, guess what? That stuff ain't normal anymore, let's not bring the old fashioned way back"

Carlos easily gave his well thought out rebuttal. Jay simply nodded for a moment before turning his full body to him,

"Well she's only sixteen, we're not getting married, I'm a year older than her, so it's not bad!"

Carlos only sighed a long sigh, he knew quite well Elena didn't seem to ever pick up on any of Jay's flirtatious remarks or social cues. So he knew Elena would be a little... clueless as to how to even act the way Jay wished she would. But what could he do? Carlos was just glad Jay was willing to go against Harry to get their precious Elena back.

Elena POV

"This is... surprisingly pleasant"

I spoke as I popped another fry into my mouth, after Harry had gotten enough hug time he insisted that I had to eat since I haven't since I got here. He apparently made me fish and chips from scratch, and to be honest, it's pretty good. He smiled and sat down in front of me and basically watched me eat for a second. He's been coming across so much calmer and sweeter than before since we talked. Harry continuously adjusted the blanket that was around me to make sure I stayed as warm as I could be,

"I'm glad ye like it, it's the best I could do"

I smiled at him and took a few more bites of much-needed food, I haven't eaten since yesterday so I was beyond hungry at this point. The food wasn't the best I've ever had, but not eating for a day or so has made this fish and chips taste like the best fish and chips I've ever had.

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