Chapter 14 and 1/2

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I was having a bad dream about being in my house and Damon had trapped me inside.
Right as he was walking towards me to put his hands on me, I woke up. I jumped out of my sleep trying to catch my breath.
I forgot where I was for a second and wildly looked around.

I noticed the moonlight shining through the window and I saw Tae's handsome face beside me on the pillow. He was gently snoring.

I decided to get up to grab a cup of water to remedy my dry throat.
I decided to check my phone.
I had another message from Damon.
I decided to read it.

Y/N, why won't you speak to me? You haven't been home lately. I miss seeing your face.
I just want to talk to you. I want to tell you all the things I couldn't tell you back then. Please don't make this hard for me. I will find you. I will find your friends. I will find whoever you're sleeping beside because I know someone's got you already. But, don't make me go looking for him.
All I want to do is talk. Let me talk to you. Call me and let's plan a meet up. Give me a chance to see your face and I will stop searching and I won't mess with anyone in your life. That's all I ask. After I see you, I will leave you alone. Please. I promise. I won't hurt you.

I read the text as I swallowed my water.

Would he really leave me alone if I agreed to meet up with him? I wouldn't have to risk him trying to find Taylor, Jungkook, Tae, or even my parents. Would that be smart? I could have an escape planned out just in case.

I took some time to think. I knew he wasn't stable. He never was. But, maybe his time in jail may have changed him. Maybe I could end this and soon.

Just then my phone rang.
I looked down at it. It was him. He must have called me a few times because my phone was on Do Not Disturb. At this point the only way you could get to me is if your repeatedly called. Should I pick it up and talk to him? I know Tae said he would get rid of him, but wouldn't just giving him what he wanted be easier so Tae wouldn't have to get involved?

I looked down at the door of Tae's room. I didn't hear any movement so he is still sleep.

I looked back down at my phone.
I could keep everyone important to me safe if I gavw him what he wanted.

I slid the pick up button on my screen.


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