Chapter 10 and 1/2

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Mrs. Allen stepped into the classroom.

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Allen," I said.
"Hey, is everything okay?" she asked looking at Tae and then at me.
"," I said letting the smile fall from my face.
"Please sit down," said Mrs. Allen pointing to my empty desk seat.

So, I sat down and explained to Mrs. Allen everything dealing with Damon and what had occurred today.
As I continued to tell my story, her expressions changed from surprised to deeply concerned. Taehyung stood behind me rubbing my back comforting me.

"Excuse me, Mrs. Allen," said Taehyung after I finished my story. "I think it's best that we keep Y/N from the school. We have no idea how far Damon is willing to go. I know you guys have some sort of security at the school, but if I must be honest, not enough that I feel comfortable with leaving Y/N here everyday."
"As much as I don't want to do this to her kids, I understand what you're saying Mr. Tae. It makes sense. I'm just so sorry that this is happening to you, Y/N."
"Thank you. I wish it wasn't happening either."
"I will start looking for a temporary replacement for you," said Mrs. Allen. "I will come and speak to the class Monday morning about you being gone."
"Okay. Thank you so much."
"It's no problem. You're one of our best teachers. We wouldn't want anything to happen to you or to the kids."
"Thank you so much Mrs. Allen for your cooperation," said Tae while nodding.

Mrs. Allen outstretched her arms and I got up and hugged her.
Mrs. Allen backed away and looked at Tae.
"You keep this amazing lady safe and catch the guy whose doing this."
"I will ma'am. You have my word."
She nodded.
"I want to go ahead and get her home before it gets too dark," said Taehyung.
"I agree. Let me walk you two out."

Taehyung grabbed the bag I had started to pick up and we all headed out the classroom.

When we reached the front door, Taehyung stopped and looked out the door first. He wanted to make sure he didn't see any stray cars or anything or anyone that looked out of place. When he felt like it was okay, he nodded towards me and Mrs. Allen.
"Be safe both of you," she said while squeezing my arm gently.
"Thank you ma'am," I said gently.

I wrapped my arm around Taehyung's and he led me out to his car. He opened the door for me while looking around then closed it and hurriedly got into the drivers seat.

He pushed the start engine button and started driving home.
All the way home he rested his hand on my leg.
I stayed quiet the whole ride. My mind was going crazy with all my thoughts and feelings. I was scared and distraught. I was angry with Damon. I knew Taehyung could tell how I was feeling. Every so often he would gently squeeze my leg.

It bothered me so much that I felt like I wasn't in control of my damn life. I had to move from my home and now I had to temporarily leave my fucking job. I felt myself start to shake and soon after I could feel the tears falling. I felt so powerless.

When Taehyung heard me sniffle, he asked me if I wanted him to pull over.
"No," I started. "Just please get us home."
"Okay," he said gently.

The rest of the ride home was just as quiet besides the occasional sniffle from me.

We reached his apartment and he parked into the private parking lot as usual. He grabbed my bag and walked over to my side of the car to open it up.
I stepped out and I flew into his arms crying.
"Shhhh," Taehyung said as he gently rubbed my back.
I just let go. I'm so sick of all this crying, but what else could I do?? That's the only damn thing I could control right now. The ONLY FUCKING THING.
Or so I thought.......

"Tae," I started and looked up at him.
"Yes, babygirl?"
"I need you."
"I'm right here."
"No, Tae. I really need you. I can't control a fucking thing in my life right now. I had to move from my fuckin home. I have to leave my job. I need to be able to control something. I want to feel like I have some type of fucking hold on my life."
"How can I help you with that?"
I got quiet and wiped my face with my hands.
"You know how I told you at the club when we first met that no one could give me what I wanted?"
He looked down at me and raised an eyebrow.
"I need you to help me give me what I want and need. I need you to show me that I have some control over my life. I need you to be Sir tonight. I just want to forget that for a second that my life isn't a mess."
I felt my eyes start to fill with tears again.
"I need to trust you. I just need someone to care."
"I understand."
"I don't know if any of this is making sense to you, but you seem to always know what to do."
"Oh, I know what to do." He said as he pat my head.
"Let's get you upstairs and we will talk more."

He took me by the hand and we went upstairs.

******************Tae's POV*******************

On the ride home, I drove quietly. I know she may need some time to process everything that was going on. I felt so sorry for her. I just wanted to take her away and hide her. But, I knew she wouldn't do that. She's way to proud for that. And she loved her family, friends, and her kids.

All I could think to do was rest my hand on her leg letting her know that I was there with and for her and I won't be leaving her side.

I don't know when's the last time I felt so protective over a woman. She meant the world to me and I knew it would hurt me deeply if anything happened to her.

I was lost in my thoughts when I heard sniffling. I looked beside me and seen the tears falling from her beautiful eyes.
My poor baby, I thought.

"Do you want me to pull over?" I asked gently.
"No, just please get us home."
"Okay," I responded.

I had never met Damon and I hated him for everything he was to doing this to the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. I felt anger overtake me and I could feel my hand tighten on the steering wheel making my knuckles turn white. I felt so bad that I asked her to leave her job. But, I wanted and needed her safe. I couldn't lose her.

What the fuck was going on with me? I haven't had strong feelings like this for someone in such a long time.
I'm falling for her.
This beautiful chocolate woman just fell into my life and I didn't want her to leave.

I squeezed her leg again to let her know she wasn't alone.

Damon was going to pay. I'm going to make sure of that. After she falls asleep tonight, I'm going to start making some calls. The police may not be able to do much, but I was.

We reached the apartment and I parked the car. I grabbed her bag that I had stuffed into the back seat. I went to her side of the car and opened the door.
When I did she flew out into my arms crying harder now.
"Shhhhh," I said while welcoming her into my arms and rubbing her back.

"Tae?" she said.
"Yes babygirl?" I answered putting my hand on the side of her face looking down at her pouting face.
"I need you."
"I'm right here."
"No, Tae. I really need you. I can't control a fucking thing in my life right now. I had to move from my fuckin home. I have to leave my job. I need to be able to control something. I want to feel like I have some type of fucking hold on my life."
"How can I help you with that?"
She paused for a second and wiped her face with the back of her hands.
She looked slightly nervous, but still extremely sad.

"You know how I told you at the club when we first met that no one could give me what I wanted?"
I looked down at her and raised an eyebrow.
"I need you to help me give me what I want and need. I need you to show me that I have some control over my life. I need you to be Sir tonight. I just want to forget that for a second my life is a mess."
Her eyes started to fill with tears again.
"I need to trust you. I just need someone to care."
"I understand," I reassured her.
"I don't know if any of this is making sense to you, but you seem to always know what to do."
"Oh, I know what to do." I said as I gently patted her head. "Let's get you upstairs and we will talk more."

I took her hand and led her upstairs.

She was asking to take our relationship a bit further. She needed a safe place. She wanted to feel like she was cared for. She wanted to forget. As a Dom, I wanted to be there for her mentally, emotionally, and physically. Right now, she needed all of that wrapped in one. She needed an escape and I was going to provide that for her.
My baby girl was going to be taken care of.

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