Chapter 16

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"Good morning, beautiful," said Tae when he walked out of his room into the living room.

"Good morning, Tae," I replied.
He leaned down and kissed my forehead.
"Were you able to get some sleep last night?" he asked.
"Yes, thank you and I'm sorry again for last night."
"It's okay," he said as he sat down on the couch behind me while I sat on the floor at the table with all my lesson plan paper work. "I took some time to step in your shoes for a second and I know none of this is easy for you."

"Thank you," I said, feeling relieved that he wasn't mad with me anymore.

"So, I was thinking. You mentioned your parents last night. Would you like to go visit them today?"

I was shocked by his question.

I thought about going to see them, but I was worried that if Damon was watching me then he would follow me and I would lead him right to them. But, if he doesn't know where I live at for now, it was definitely worth a try. I hadn't seen them in awhile. I'm pretty sure they would be shocked to know that I have a boyfriend now. They knew about the trouble I had with relationships after Damon. It was such a struggle to trust anyone anymore.

But, I also knew that Tae wouldn't let me go alone. Especially after the stunt I pulled last night and to be honest I didn't blame him.

"You know what, Tae? I would love that. I'm sure they would be dying to meet my new boyfriend."
"So, it's set," he said sounding satisfied. "We can get washed up a little later after you finish your work stuff and we can head out. It's supposed to be pretty again today."

"Awesome," I said and smiled back at him. He ran his hands through his bed hair and smiled at me. I swear his smile knocked me on my ass every time. It was so adorable and I swear every day I fell more in love with it. "Let me call my parents and let them know we are coming."
"Okay. Have you had breakfast?"
"No, I've only had some tea. I wasn't hungry when I first got up."
"You want some French toast?"
"Hell yeah!!" I said excitedly.
"French toast for breakfast it is."
He kissed my forehead again and got up and headed to the kitchen.

I called my mom. She was so happy to hear me. I told her that I was going to stop by today and see them. That made her so happy. I also told her that I would have someone with me. She tried to ask more questions, but I just brushed them off. I quickly got off the phone with her letting her know that I had to get some things done before I headed out for the day. She reluctantly let me get off the phone.

I got back to my work so I could finish soon. I got engrossed in my lesson plans and before I knew it breakfast was ready.

Tae brought my plate to me.
"Thank you, love," I said.
"You're welcome."

I switched the tv to a show we both liked and we sat and watched it.
After we finished, I got up and picked up our dishes. I decided to clean up since Tae had cooked.
Tae came and stood at the counter while I cleaned.

"Is there anywhere else you'd like to go today?" Tae asked.
I took a second to think.
"I would like to pick my mom some flowers up on the way to their house."
"We can do that," said Tae. "Anything else?"
"Nah, I don't think so."
"Are they aware that I will be accompanying you?"
"My mom knows I'm bringing someone. She just doesn't know who."
"This should be fun," said Tae and sarcastically laughed.
"It'll be just fine," I said and laughed.

After putting the dishes in the dishwasher and cleaning up the remaining mess, we went to get ready for our day out.

Tae decided that he would drive us today and I didn't argue.

On the way to my parents place, we stopped at a flower shop to pick up some flowers. After leaving the flower shop, I gave Tae my parents address and we were on our way.

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