Chapter 8 and 1/2

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I unpacked my work things while I took some time to think.

You would think I would be completely happy that Tae just admitted he wanted me. You would think that I would feel better now that we had just confessed our feelings. But, part of me was still angry that he treated me the way that he did. Just left me hanging.
Could I get over the fact that Lisa was someone he was sexually involved with that he would see on a daily basis? Would she eventually be a problem? Did the past week show that Tae had issues with communication? I mean, it was also my fault for not speaking up, too. So, I couldn't just blame him. Would Damon find out and be furious? Could that put Tae in danger?

Sigh. So many questions.

I decided that I would take my shower for the evening. My showers usually relaxed my mind and body. I grabbed my towel and went into my bathroom.

I started to run my shower waiting for it to get warm. I still had Taehyung on my mind. Even though I was still mad at him, I still missed him. I missed his hands. His lips even though he just kissed me. I missed the way he used to make me feel. The excitement he caused me. I remember the first time we met and he took a chance with me just like I took a chance with him. And we had so much fun. When we had dinner and talked and everything seemed alright.

I stepped into my warm shower and stood under the shower head to wash my troubled thoughts away.


Taehyung's POV

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair while I watched her walk away.
I can't BELIEVE I was so stupid. I actually face palmed myself and sat back down on the couch looking out the windows ahead watching as the sun slowly started to set.
It was an amazing feeling knowing that she wanted me too. But, treating her the way I had been the past couple of weeks wasn't fair to her especially with what she's been going through. I promised I would keep her safe and I was the one hurting her. I could have spoke up and let her know how I felt. She probably could have been mine a long time ago. I missed her laugh and her touch. The way her eyes sparkled when she smiled. Her soft chocolate skin and all her curves. Watching her walk around the apartment and not being able to touch her drove me crazy. I hadn't looked at anyone else since her and I got involved. I didn't want anyone else besides her. It's apparent she feels the same about me after what happened with Jungkook.
My thinking got interrupted when I heard her go into the bathroom to start her shower. I wish I was in that shower with her. I wish I could have taken another bath with her. I remember the bath we took a few nights ago. I'm usually not the romantic type, but I loved feeling like that with her. I almost got up and went to knock on the bathroom door, but I decided against it. I told her I would give her space. I just hoped she wouldn't take too long because I wanted, no, I needed her. I hope she knows that.

I sat there looking at tv, but not watching it. The sun had gone down and it was dark outside. The city's light lit up the night. I had got lost in my thoughts and lost track of time.
I turned off the tv and was about to walk towards my room still feeling pretty distraught that Y/N hadn't come out yet. I sighed and headed towards my bedroom.
"Taehyung." It was a whisper from behind me.
I stopped in my tracks and turned around to see her standing in a robe with the city lights lighting up the room through the window. She was beautiful.
She dropped her robe and had on red short night gown with spaghetti straps.
"I've made up my mind," she said looking at me through the dim lit room.
"Oh. Do you want to talk about it?" I asked.
"Not right now. Right now, I want you."

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