Chapter 1

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So, there were me and My friend, Taylor, sitting in the club at the bar for what seemed like forever. But, it's only been an hour and a half. Sure, we've had some guys buy us drinks and try to dance with us or get our numbers and/or take us home.

Taylor was a little bit luckier than me, but I was picky. I knew what I wanted and just by looking at some guys I knew that they couldn't give me what I wanted or handle what I had to give. But, as the night went on, I noticed someone who didn't seem to take their eyes off of me. He's brought me two drinks already. And I remember when I received the first drink and the waitress told me who it was from. I looked up and saw him looking at me. And he winked and I giggled. I won't lie, he was absolutely cute. His pale skin against his dark black hair. And it was styled in a way that exposed his forehead making him look so mature. Even though I didn't think he was someone who had what I wanted I still flirted with him from afar. So when I received the second drink, I looked at him as I took a sip and licked my lips afterwards. He looked at me without even blinking. I smirked at him. And he smirked right back. I was enjoying myself. Until my friend tapped me and asked me to get up and dance with her. I broke my stare and laughed and got up for her.
I loved going out with Taylor. She was so energetic and fun just like me. We danced on each other sometimes just to get the attention of other guys. We never went too far, but just enough to catch some glazes.
This time, I wanted the guy at the bar to see us. I wanted to flirt with him more so as my friend and I danced together facing each other, I looked over at the guy still at the bar. He was sitting back in his chair looking like he was actually enjoying himself. I smiled at him and licked my lips. He smiled back. My friend and I danced a little bit more until a guy interrupted us.
"Do you mind if I have the next dance with her?" Asked this guy looking at me, but pointing to my friend.
I looked at my friend to make sure it's what she wanted. And she nodded slightly.
"Sure, I was going to the bathroom to freshen up anyway," I shrugged. I squeezed my friend's arm and walked away giving her a smile and thumbs up.

I went to the bathroom which only had a toilet and a sink with a mirror above it. After going in I tried to close the door behind me, but just as I closed it, there was a knock. I thought it was my friend.
So, I opened the door without thinking.
"Hey, damn that wa......"
"Hey you."
I was frozen in my spot.
It was the guy from the bar.
I now had a close up view of him.
He was at the bathroom door.
"Can I help you?" I asked trying not to sound so surprised and slightly irritated since he thought it was okay to follow me to the bathroom.
"Actually, you can," he said as he pushed himself in the bathroom with me and closed the door behind him and locked it.
I was terrified. Who was this guy and why'd he lock me in the bathroom with him?
"Please, don't worry. I'm not here to hurt you," he said with his hands slightly up and moving slowly towards me and his voice soft and gentle, but also deep.
He was taller than I thought. He looked to be about 6 or 7 inches taller than me. I was only 5'3. I liked my man taller than me and that was slightly a turn on, but, I didn't want him to know.
"Then, what do you want with me?" I put my hands on my hips.
He slowly moved closer to me.
"I saw you flirting with me across the bar. I saw you looking at me while you danced with your friend. You know, I enjoyed watching you."
He got closer. I took a step back and slightly gasped.
"I think you're really beautiful."
I covered my face and blushed. "Thank you."
"Ah, no. Don't cover that pretty face of yours. I have enjoyed watching it all night. Especially when you lick your lips or when you smile or throw your head back and laugh." He said while staring right into my eyes. It unsettled me, but it turned me on and I just couldn't figure out why. I just met the guy! I didn't even know his name!
"So, tell me why a girl like you hasn't found anyone to go home with yet?"
I blushed and looked down.
He pulled my head up by my chin to look at him. He stared directly into my eyes. "Tell me why, babygirl."
I bit my lip. Being called Babygirl was one of my weaknesses. And he noticed it. He got closer to me. I forgot to breathe as he looked deeply in my eyes.
"I can't find anyone to give me what I want and need," I said breathlessly. I didn't want to be completely open and honest, but I couldn't help it.
"Hmmmm, you want to tell me what you want?"
I shook my head fast and nervously. I don't know why I was so shy all of a sudden.
He leaned over in my ear and whispered in his deep voice that sent shivers down my spine.
"Can I try?"
I looked at him and I nodded slowly. I don't know why. I didn't even know him. He could kill me in the next second. I don't know why I was trusting this guy. But, I couldn't say no. I just couldn't. I was both scared and turned on.

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