Chapter 2

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My alarm sounded letting me know I needed to get up. Ugggh, I hated Mondays so much.
I got up and got ready for work.
I worked at a school which had always been my dream ever since I was little. I had just finished college two years ago and graduated and it didn't take me very long to land a job. I worked with younger kids and I absolutely loved it.

But, while at work today, I couldn't stop thinking about the mystery guy. I kept thinking about how he said he would see me today and even though I didn't want to admit it, I was waiting for a call or text from him. Eventually I got my wish. As I was sitting with one of the kids helping her learn colors by doing flash cards, while the rest of the kids did other things around the room, my phone's text tone tone went off.

I pulled my phone out and saw that it was him. My heart skipped a beat.

"Hey you."

I wanted to reply, but the other teacher had announced that it was lunch time for the kids. So, I put my phone away and helped with the clean up and getting all the kids to lunch. After we dropped the kids off at the lunch room I walked back to the classroom which was very quiet because my coworker that I shared the room with was in a meeting with another teacher down the hall.

I sat at my desk, opened the text, and replied.
Hey you, I responded back.
For future references, next time you make me wait, you're going to be punished.
I gasped quietly and blushed. I shouldn't have liked that response, but I did so much. I took a second to think about how I wanted to respond. Part of me didn't want him to know that he had gotten a rise out of me but the other part wanted to tell him how I couldn't get him off my mind since last night.

Yes sir, I replied.

That's a good girl.

Even though I was in the room by myself I felt myself smile.
I'm taking you out tonight. Make sure you don't have any panties on. I will text you the address a little later.

How do you know I don't already have plans?

Do you have plans?

That doesn't matter.

Okay. Didn't think so. See you tonight at 8 and don't be late.


I sat back in my chair. As much as I can't stand someone who tells me what to do and is so cocky, talking to him was like foreplay. I only had a few more minutes to think about the night that was coming up. Then my coworker came back in the room to let me know it was time to go get the kids from the lunch room.

The rest of the day flew by really quickly and before I knew it, the kids were going home and so was I.
I went home and started to panic. I had no idea what to wear. I ended up picking three different outfits. I didn't know if I should wear a dress or skirt because he told me to not wear any panties which I'm surprised I actually agreed to. I thought about jeans, but I knew they wouldn't exactly be comfortable.
I finally decided on a red button down shirt, black skirt, and black shoes to match. After I finally picked out what I wanted to wear I decided to take a shower to calm my nerves and get myself cleaned up. Right after I had stepped out of my shower, he texted me the address and name of the place I was supposed to meet him at. I looked it up and it was a really nice restaurant.

I got dressed. It felt weird going out without my panties, but if it resulted in something like last night happening again, then I was all for it.

I finally arrived. I didn't know whether or not I should wait in my car or in the restaurant. It was 7:55. I texted him to see what he wanted me to do. I got no response. So, I decided to wait right inside the front door.
"Hey, can I help you find a table?" Asked the lady at the front desk.
"Um, no. I'm actually waiting for someone. Thanks, though."
"No problem. Let me know when you're ready."

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