Chapter 4 and 1/2

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Damon and I had dated my freshman year of college. We met through a friend at a party and we hit it off pretty well. We started to text each other and call each other. We started to hang out more. After about three months of us talking, we decided to begin a relationship. But, as soon as we did, his dark side started to come out. He became possessive and clingy.

If he would see me talking to other guys on campus, he would yank me away chew me out saying I'm being too friendly. He would also talk down to me making me feel little or insignificant. I wasn't very happy in the relationship. No one saw who he really was because around our friends he was on his best behavior. He also would try to force me to have sex with him, but I was a firm believer in having sex with the right person back then. He never went too far as to push me past my limits, but he would get upset when we were making out and I stopped him from going any further.

After about three months of that, I decided that the relationship was unhealthy for me. But, when I decided I would break up with him is when I found out more information. Apparently, even before the party we met at, he had been plotting on me for awhile watching me around the campus. He had managed to talk our friend into introducing us. When I went to break it off with him while taking a walk, he lost it. He cried for me to take him back even got on his knees for me. He told me that he'd loved me for a long time. I told him I couldn't do it and I didn't love him back. When I told him that, he pulled his hand back looking like he wanted to hit me so I took a step back from him. He put both his hands down at his side and clenched them. He looked me straight in my eyes with a very dark expression.
"You'll regret this." And he walked away.
Back then, it didn't really bother me that he said that because he never went as far as to hit me or do physical harm. He did continue to call my phone sometimes and tell me he loved me. He started to leave notes at my dorm room saying he missed me and he wanted me back. But, then he started to leave hateful messages on my phone about how I was dirty and did him so wrong. My friends tried to tell him to stop, but he wouldn't listen. Sometimes he would pop up at my classes. I had no idea what caused him to be so obsessed with me. I eventually moved back home with my parents where I felt safer even though his actions still took a toll on me. My parents were only in the next town over, but I stayed at the dorms because they wanted me to experience the college life.
Once he found out I moved back home, he wasn't happy.
"Just because you're back home with your parents doesn't mean I can't get to you." He sent in one text. I decided to change my number after that.
About a week after I changed my number, he started to leave me notes and letters at my parents house. I couldn't go out without the fear of him following me or popping up where I was. At this point, everyone was worried and wanted me to get a restraining order. So, I saved all the texts, messages, and notes from him as evidence.
I went through the whole process which included a hearing with him there. I had all my evidence and people who had witnessed him doing the things he had been doing like following me or popping up where I was. The judge ruled in my favor and gave me my restraining order. I blocked him from all my social media accounts. He stayed away for about three to four weeks and I finally thought things were getting better.

But, one night I was in the car with my parents and I got a Facebook message from a random person. There was no picture. My parents and I were on our way from a dinner night.

You Are Mine, it read.
Only minutes later did my dad's phone ring. It was our neighbor. Apparently they saw someone in our house while they were outside having a smoke. They knew it wasn't us. So, they wanted to let us know they called the police. My dad sped home and I told them about the message that was just sent to me. I knew it was him.

When we got there, the police was just putting him in the back of a police car. I started to cry. My dad drove up and got out the car to speak to the police. My mom got in the back of the car with me and held me. If my neighbor hadn't been outside that night, who knows what might have happened.
After that, my parents pressed charges against him and he got charged with breaking and entering. We went to court. They couldn't show proof that he was actually there to hurt me. So, he got five years away even with us mentioning the restraining order I had. I figured I could finish school and get on with my life while he was gone.

I had to go to therapy to help calm my fears and eventually, I got better. I finished school. I went out more. I learned self defense. I got registered to carry a weapon and I changed my name and moved out of town. I let my fear be my greatest motivator. I wasn't going to let him ruin the woman I was going to become.

******************End of Flashback************

But, now that he's out, the first thing I felt was overwhelming fear. He knew almost everything about me and I didn't know how he got everything that he needed to find me. I thought I did such a good job. I guess I was wrong. And not only was I mad at him, I was upset with myself.

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