Chapter 13

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We got back to the apartment after about two hours of walking around the beautiful park.

We all sat in the living room while talking and I decided to check my phone. I had my phone on Do Not Disturb. I didn't know if Damon had decided to hit me up again.
When I checked my phone, I saw that he did.

You think you can stay hidden from me? I know where you fucking work now.

Stop ignoring me! I know you're getting my messages!

Just wait until my hands are on you. You'll be sorry.

I sighed heavily and everyone looked at me.

"He's texted me again," I said.
"You mind if I see?" asked Tae.
I passed him my phone and he took his phone out. It looked like he was texting someone. I'm assuming it was his friend he told us about earlier who would get us the information we needed.

"Keep your phone on Do Not Disturb. Let him get upset," said Tae handing my phone back to me. "I got you. If he gets upset enough, he may make a mistake and that's when we will catch him."

I smiled at him.
"Thank you, Tae. Thank you all for being here for me and not leaving my side. You guys have no idea how much I appreciate that."
"We love you girl and don't you ever doubt that," said Taylor smiling at me.
"You're important to us and we don't want anything happening to you," said Jungkook. "We love you."
"I love you guys, too," I said smiling at everyone.

"I'm going to go make a call to the second security guard really quick. I want to get him set up before the end of the weekend. Damon is going to find out that you won't be back to work and I'm assuming that's going to be a problem," said Tae getting up from his spot. "Be right back."
He walked back towards to hall that contained his office.

"Yo," said Jungkook. "Did Taylor tell you how she slept with the guard??"
I laughed.
"Yep!" I responded.
"What?? I mean, I needed a stress reliever and he put it down pretty damn good," said Taylor.
"All I'm saying is you could have asked me to join," said Jungkook and burst out laughing.
I joined him in laughing.
"Next time, be there," said Taylor and shrugged.
"Bet!" said Jungkook.
We all started to laugh.
"But, let's take a second and talk about Tae and Y/N," said Taylor looking at me.
"Listen, Tae told me how he felt about you while we were cleaning the kitchen. He isn't playing any games," said Jungkook.
"What exactly did he tell you?" I asked.
"He told me that he loved you."
"Well damn," said Taylor.
"And in kind words he pretty much told me to stay back. He also mentioned how he knows that we tried things...."
"Yeah. I told him. He was upset that morning he saw me walk you out," I said.
"Yeah, I apologized to him about that. He said no hard feelings, but like I said he basically told me to stay away."
"Maybe he is serious about you," Taylor said.
"I told you that," I said.
"And like I told you, I just want you safe, okay?" said Taylor.
"Yes ma'am," I said. "I hear you. I do."
"Thank you," said Taylor.

Taehyung came back out of his office.
"So, I have the second security guard meeting us here in a little bit. I want to introduce you guys and he can follow you guys home."
"Okay," said Jungkook. "Thank you for everything. I know Y/N said it, but I want to say it. I appreciate you keeping Taylor and I safe."
"No problem. Like I said, you guys are important to her which makes you important to me."
Jungkook nodded.

"How about we watch some tv until he gets here?" suggested Tae.
"I think that's a good idea," I agreed.

We all relaxed on the couch and started to watch tv.

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