Chapter 17

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Tae skidded to a stop in front of my house. Sitting there was a police car. I damn near flew out of the car and walked up to the police standing in front of my house.

As I got closer, I realized it was the officers from when I called them to my house for the first time.

"Oh, it's you guys again," I said and rolled my eyes.
I brushed past them and walked up to the front of my house. I noticed the front door was open.

"Did you already search through?" asked Tae as he wrapped his hand around my arm to stop me from entering my house.

"Yes, we did," said the male officer.

"Did you look everywhere?" asked Tae still holding my arm.

"Yes," answered the male officer, starting to sound irritated.

"I would feel a bit more comfortable if you guys checked again before I let her in," said Tae, sounding very serious.

"Fine," said the male officer.

"Babe, stay out here," Tae told me as he motioned me to sit still.

I nodded, still pretty pissed off.

Tae followed the officers in the house and I assumed he wanted to check every room and closet before I entered which I understood.

They searched my house as I stood outside trying to stay calm.

Eventually the officers came back out with Tae.

"Your front room is a mess, but it looks like that's all he had a chance to do," said Tae walking back to me.

"See? Safe," said the male officer.

"You know you wouldn't have to be here if you knew how to do your fucking job," I snarled.

Tae looked over at me.

"Excuse me, ma'am?" said the male officer.

"Do you need me to repeat myself? Tell me how much information you guys have gathered since the first time I called you guys to my home?"

"We are doing all that we can," he responded.

"Apparently, it isnt good enough because I just had to leave my damn job becaue this son of a bitch knows where I fuckin work now."

"Ma'am, I understand," said the female officer trying to calm me down.

"Do you?!" I said while taking a small step toward them.

Tae pulled me back by pulling one of my arms.

"Back up," warned the male officer.

"She's okay," said the female officer. "I haven't been in your position before, but I think I know how I would probably feel in your position. Trapped in a corner. Upset. Pissed off beyond belief. But, I want you to know that we haven't given up or tried any less to find this man. If anyone wants you to get back to your regular life, it's me. I understand what it feels like to be an independent strong woman and to have someone try to strip that from you by attacking all areas of your life."

I felt myself slightly calm down. She kind of understood where I was coming from.

"I'm.....I'm sorry," I said. Mostly directing it to the female officer.

"It's okay. We know this can be frustrating, but we are going to get to the bottom of this. We promise," the female officer said and I saw the sincerity in her eyes.

"Thank you," I said softly.

"We will sit here while you do a survey of your place. Let us know if anything is missing or out of place," the male officer said.

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