Chapter 8

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The rest of my work week and weekend flew by. Taehyung went out of town for the weekend so I had the place to myself. I basically stayed in all weekend due to the fear of going out alone. Taylor did come and spend time with me. Jungkook stayed in touch with me even after the mishap from the last time we met up.
The following Wednesday night after I finished working out, he texted me. He wanted to take me to work the next morning and pick me up. I was thankful he was so kind and still willing to stay in touch with me. I told him he could pick me up the next morning. Taehyung and I were still pretty distant, only speaking when needed. I texted him and let him know Jungkook would be picking me up the next day. I didn't get a response back. I decided not to let it bother me and I got ready for my shower.

The next morning, Jungkook picked me up just like he said he would. Sadly, Taehyung was no where to found so I walked myself downstairs. I found Jungkook waiting for me in his car in front of the apartment building.
"Hi," he said waving at me.
"Hey," I said while getting in the car.
We talked while he drove me to school. When we made it to my school he watched me until I was in the door. I turned and waved and he drove off.
My school day went pretty good and sped by. The kids were good today. Around lunch Jungkook texted me to let me know he'd pick me up after school and we would grab dinner.
I texted Taehyung reminding him that Jungkook would be picking me up. I didn't get a reply from him so I assumed he had an attitude with me or was just busy.

Jungkook was there on time to pick me up from work and then we went to dinner. I had a good time with him. It reminded me why we remained friends even after we broke up.
When we got back to my place, he decided to walk with me upstairs. When we reached the apartment, Taehyung was sitting in the living room watching tv. He looked up at Jungkook when he stepped in.
"Hey, Tae," said Jungkook and waved. Tae looked at him and nodded and looked back at the tv.
Jungkook looked at me and I shrugged. I hadn't told Jungkook what was going on because I didn't think he needed to know. He'd probably force me to come back and stay with him and Taylor. I didn't want that even with a trained guard. If I must admit, I felt safer in the apartment despite the issues between Tae and I.

"Well, it nice to see you again," said Jungkook after walking me to my room. "I'm going to head out. I have a few things to do. Let me know if you need anything."
"Okay. Thanks again so much for bringing me home and for dinner," I said and hugged him.
"No problem. I just wanted to check in on you. Are things okay between you and Tae? He didn't say anything when we came in."
"Yeah. Everything's is fine. He may just be stressed from work. You know he's working on a new album," I said lying my ass off.
"Oh okay. That makes sense," Jungkook said.
I walked him out to the front door.
"Bye," I said and kissed him on the cheek.
"Good bye," he said and kissed my forehead and walked out. I closed the door and headed back in towards my room.
"Have fun with your new boyfriend?" asked Taehyung sarcastically.
"Excuse me?" I asked stopping in my tracks.
"I asked you if you had fun with your new boyfriend."
I turned and looked at him and he was looking straight ahead at the tv.
"Don't you start that shit. I already have enough on my plate to deal with. You don't have to act like a jerk," I said coolly. He crossed the damn line.
"I just asked. You've been spending a lot of time with him. Especially last week when he stayed the night and you were out with him again today."
"He's not my new boyfriend, Tae. We had dinner this afternoon after I got off. I can say one thing, though. He is a good friend because he knows how to talk shit out."
"What's that supposed to mean?" He sneered as he stared at me.
"It means......," I said  loudly and took step forward, "that we had a damn misunderstanding and we talked it out so we wouldn't be distant or awkward around each other. I don't even know why I'm bothering trying to explain shit to you. You didn't do the same for me!"
"Yeah, whatever," he said and rolled his eyes.
I snapped.
"You know what Tae? If you were jealous, you should have just fucking spoke up! You would have found out you had nothing to fucking worry about."
I could feel my face turn warm with anger. How dare he come at me like that? So rude. So disrespectful.
"What do you mean by that?"
"What I mean is you didn't start acting like this until after Jungkook stayed the night."
He got quiet.
"Yeah, you know I am fucking right." I took another step forward to him. "And yeah, he tried to make a move on me."
I saw Taehyung clench his jaw at my last statement.
"But, you want to know what fucking happened??"
"I'm going to fucking tell you anyway. I let him. I wanted to feel wanted. I wanted to fucking forget that my life is a mess right now because of Damon. And I heard you with Lisa that morning! I heard that same voice on our last video call. So, yes, I went along with it."
Taehyung got up and started to walk towards his bedroom.
"But, I couldn't finish it! Because you were on my mind, Taehyung!" I yelled, feeling tears coming to my eyes. "I called out your name when he tried to get things started."
Taehyung stopped in his tracks.
"I couldn't even stay focused or get aroused! I wanted it to be YOU!"
Taehyung turned around and looked at me with wide eyes filled with shock.
"Yes! And you know what?? He forgave me because he knew I had to have some type of feelings for you since I decided to stay at your place. We talked things out and we both apologized."
I felt myself shaking with anger because of how he'd been treating me and he'd been wrong this whole damn time.
"No, Tae because.....just no." My words were stuck in my throat. I felt the tears that filled up in my eyes start to fall down my face. I hated that I was an emotional crier.
He got up and started walking towards me.
"Tae! No!"
"I'm sorry," he said looking extremely heartfelt and sorry.
"Who the fuck is Lisa?" I asked suddenly.
He stopped, looked at me, and frowned.
"Don't think you were going to get away with that that easily! I heard her voice on the last video chat and you rushed to get off the damn phone. And I heard her smart ass this morning. So tell me what's up."
"Okay," he said and sighed. He ran his hand through his hair. "She's someone that I used to fuck. She works with the boys that I'm making music with. I met her when I started working with them."
I felt myself get jealous, but I maintained my composure.
"But, the night when I hung up on you quickly was the night I told her that we had to break things off. She had a key to the apartment and she invited herself in that night."
I stood there quietly listening to him. I had slowly started to calm down.
"I freaked out because I didn't want you to be upset. But, I see that that ended up happening anyway."
"Yeah," I scoffed.
"Listen, I'm so sorry. She was here this morning because I had to give her some paperwork to give to the guys. Nothing happened. I'm sure if it did, you would have heard it. But, I don't want her."
He stood there nervously rubbing his neck.
"I'm sorry," he said again. "You have no idea how hard it was being distant from you and wanting you and thinking you belonged to someone else. Not to mention seeing your beautiful face around the apartment."
"And you have no idea how it felt for me when you were short and distant," I said while looking in his eyes.
"I'm so sorry," he said looking back at me.
It got quiet.
"Taehyung, what do you want? What do you want from me? Because if you'd like, I can leave and stay with Taylor, Jungkook, and the trained guard if that'll make you feel better." I knew he would break my heart if he wanted me to leave.
"No," he whispered. "I don't want you to leave."
I felt slightly relieved, but still curious.
"What do you want? Because I've had time to think about this and you and me and I want you. I care about you," I started to ramble. "And even though I didn't think I wanted a relationship, I want one with you."
My heart was beating so fast and hard that my chest started to hurt.
He looked at me while I stared back at him waiting for his answer. After a couple of seconds of waiting for him to say something, I turned around and headed to my bedroom feeling my heart sink.
Taehyung jogged behind me and grabbed my hand.
"Stop," he said.
"What?" I said and spun around. He looked at me.
"I want you. I want you to be mine. I was so scared at first when you first asked me because this happened so fast and I wanted to make sure of my feelings. But, after this past week, I realized what I wanted. I want you, Y/N. Please. I'm sorry."
"Are you sure?" I asked looking at him in his dark eyes.
"I asked myself that question more times than you think in the past few days and I'm sure. I want you."
I stood and continued to look at him while he continued to hold my hand. He stepped closer to me.
He put his hand on the side of my face and I leaned into it and closed my eyes enjoying his touch after so long.
"Tae," I whispered.
He leaned forward and I felt his lips on mine. He kissed me gently as if he didn't want to break me. He backed away to gaze into my eyes again.
"Tae, I was so scared at first. I was worried because I liked you and it happened way too fast for my comfort, but I was willing to take a chance with you. And the past few days you just made me doubt it all over again."
"I'm truly sorry that I made you go through that."
"I'm going to ask you again. Are you sure about this?"
"Yes. I am very sure."
I took a second to stare into his dark eyes. He brought his hands up to the sides of my face and pulled my lips back to his. He kissed me again just as gentle as he did at first.
"Tae, can I have a little time just to think?" I asked gently. I still had so many questions on my mind.
He backed away and frowned a little bit.
"As much as I don't want to let go of you right now, I will give you time to think," he said gently. "Just don't take too long. Please."
I just had so much on my mind. I needed time to breathe. I'm happy that he admitted he wanted me. I just.....I don't know.
He dropped his left hand from my face but continued to cup my face with his right hand. He leaned over and kissed my forehead.
"Thank you," I said.
He dropped his hand and my heart ached for the loss of his warmth.
He backed away and gave me some space. I turned and walked back to my bedroom. I could feel his gaze burning into my back as I walked away.

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