Chapter 7 and 1/2

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The rest of the week went by pretty fast and in the same fashion.
Tae would walk me down to the car in silence every morning. When we were around each other in the house, we didn't say much. We only spoke when it was needed.
I absolutely hated it. I wanted to say more, but my anxiety got the best of me. All I knew that he didn't start acting like this until Jungkook came to visit me.
There were times when we would be moving around in the kitchen and we would bump into each other and I would jump. Just because touching him sent electricity through my body.
I started to get comfortable being around his place despite the tension between us. There were times when I would venture out around the halls exploring more of the apartment or just take walks. I wasn't afraid in this building. Everyone was so friendly. I found out that there was a small gym on the second floor. So I started to work out after work to stay active and keep my mind occupied.
Damon stopped texting me. I hadn't gotten any other calls from him either and I was glad. I knew I had set my alarm before I left home and would be alerted if anything happened. I hadn't gotten any alerts so I was happy about that. Everything seemed to be going pretty well for me except my relationship with Taehyung. I knew there would come a point when I couldn't take him being so distant and cold.


Sorry for the short chapters! Writers block was horrible this past week. But, the next few chapters are going to be LIT!

Thanks for reading and I hope you're enjoying the story!!! Thanks for your continued support. 💜💜💜

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