Chapter 6

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The next morning I woke up confused at first. It took me a second to realize where I was. I looked around and remembered I was at Taehyung's apartment. The curtains in front of the window were closed so I couldn't tell what time it was. I checked my phone which was on the bedside table on charge. I would have to thank Taehyung for that. I looked at the time and it said it was 11. That's the latest I have slept in awhile. I sat up in bed and looked through my notifications. No weird messages from Damon, yet. But, the two people that were blowing up my phone were Taylor and JK.
Taylor checking in to make sure I made it to his house safely last night and that I was safe. JK checking for the same thing and throwing hints that he wanted to come over to check on me to be sure I was okay.
Just when I was about to move and I heard Taehyung's voice and the female's voice that I heard over the phone the last time I video chatted with him. It sounded like they were in the kitchen talking.
"So, there's a female's pair of shoes at the door, Tae," she said.
"It's none of your business, Lisa."
"Hmmm, so now it's none of my business," she sneered back at him. "Is she in your bedroom?"
"Lisa, leave it alone. As a matter of fact, she's sleeping. So, let's take this into my office so we don't wake her."
I heard her suck her teeth and then walk past my room into his office.
Part of me wanted to get up and go show her my face and find out who she was. But, I had to tell myself that Taehyung wasn't mine and it was his life. I didn't have the authority to meddle in it. But, that didn't mean I wasn't a bit irritated and slightly jealous of her. I listened closely to see if I could hear anything else, but I couldn't. I laid in bed a little bit longer answering Taylor's and JK's texts. Whatever Tae and Lisa had to do didn't last long. Within about 30 minutes, he was walking her out to the door. I heard him tell her good bye and it sounded like his steps were heading back to my room. I laid back down and made it seem like I was still sleep. I didn't want him to know that I heard what happened.  He gently knocked.
"Hm?" I said trying to still sound half sleep.
"Can I come in?"
I slowly sat up in the bed as if I just woke up. I rubbed my eyes.
"Hey, sleepyhead," he said and giggled showing off his boxy smile.
"Hey," I said. He sat down on the edge of the bed beside me.
"Did you sleep well?"
"Definitely. This bed is so comfortable and I haven't slept that late in awhile."
"I wanted to thank you for last night. I don't remember everything, but I got into bed nice and clean and my phone was on charge. Thank you for that."
"You're welcome. I have learned a lot about you from when we used talk on the phone so I know what makes you happy. I just wanted to make sure you were comfortable," he said and rubbed my covered leg.
I smiled at him.
"Sooo, I have to meet up with the boys today to help them finish up some of their songs for their album. I ordered some food, so the kitchen is stocked for you. Eat or make anything. Make yourself comfortable. On my way down, I'm going to give the receptionist desk Taylor and JK's information so they won't have any problems coming up to visit you. I know they've already tried to check in on you."
"You're right," I said and chuckled. "I'm going to have to work on my lesson plans for next week since I haven't had any luck the past few days. And probably lounge around."
"Take some more time to look around if you'd like. If there's anything you need, let me know. I can bring it back on my way home or get someone to deliver it for you."
"Thank you. There is nothing I can think of now, but I will let you know."
"Okay." Taehyung got silent for a little bit.
"I'm sorry you're going through what you're going through right now with Damon. But, I want you know know that you're safe here."
My heart fluttered. He did care about me.
"And if that bastard tries to hurt you in any way he's going to have to deal with me."
I reached up and put my hand on the side of his face.
"Thank you, Tae. I appreciate that so much." I smiled at him and he smiled back.
"Well, I'm going to head out and give you some space. Text me Taylor's and JK's information and I will get things set for them with the receptionist on my way out."
"Okay. And thank you again, Tae."
"You're welcome." He headed out my bedroom.
I decided to get up and go to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. My toiletries bag was already in the bathroom.
I decided to text Tae and thank him for that and also text him Taylor's and JK's information.

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