Chapter 9 and 1/2

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The next morning, I stirred and woke up slowly.

I rubbed my eyes. I had to remember where I was. I wiggled a little bit and felt a long arm around my waist and heard gentle breathing behind me. Then, I remembered that I was in Tae's bed. Then, last night hit me. I had finally slept with him and it was amazing. I smiled. I turned and looked at him. I noticed the sun rising up behind him through the glass wall. It was such a beautiful sight. I kissed his forehead and turned back around and got out of bed to sit on the chair that we were on last night. I picked up my night gown along the way to make sure I wouldn't be completely naked in front of the window. I wanted to watch the sun rise.

I sat and watched thinking about everything at the moment.
How the fuck did I get here??

Then, I mind went back to the past few weeks. I thought about when Tae and I had met and started to get to know each other. Then, I remembered Damon and his evilness. It still sucked that I had to leave my home, but it brought me Taehyung faster than I would have ever got to him. But, my life was still in danger outside of my new home. But, Tae, Taylor, and Jungkook made sure that I was safe where ever I went and I appreciated that greatly.
I don't know if what happened between Tae and I meant we were in a relationship or not, but that's something we'd have to discuss. We had so much going on around us. I had Damon and my job. Tae had the album he was working on and Lisa. The doubts started to cloud my mind.
But, I swear I liked this man way more than I had planned and I couldn't control those feelings even if I wanted to. I guess today after I got home from work, Tae and I would have to have a more in depth conversation.

"That's such a beautiful sight," I heard a voice say while I was drowning in my thoughts. I slightly jumped and looked over at him.
He giggled.
"You scared the hell out of me!"
"I see that. I'm sorry." His morning voice was deep and raspy and I loved it.
"How long have you been up?"
"Long enough. Just looking at this beautiful view."
"You're right. Seeing the sun rise like this is breath taking." I turned around and looked back out the window.
"I'm not just talking about the sun rise," he said and propped himself up on his shoulders in bed. "I'm talking about your beautiful chocolate self watching the sun rise. Seeing the sun light reflect off of your beautiful brown skin."
I blushed and chuckled.
"You stop being so adorable," I said and smiled at him.
"Hey, I'm just enjoying the view," he said and shrugged.
"I should get up and start getting ready for work today before I'm late."
"I agree."
"I'm going to go to my to my room to grab my things for my shower."
"Okay, beautiful."

I got up and walked over to him first. I kissed his cheek and walked out of his room to mine. I gathered my things for my shower and went across the hall to my bathroom.
I brushed my teeth while I let the water run warm for my shower. I thought back to last night and how we finally agreed on one thing. That was that we wanted each other which I finally decided completely made me happy.

I took my shower and got ready for work. After I finished and went into the kitchen, Tae had the coffee pot going and had packed a lunch for me for the day. He had taken his shower, too and had on a pair of jeans and a black tee shirt. His hair was a fluffy mess on his head.

"Awe, thank you," I said while walking up to him. I stepped on my tip toes and kissed him in his lips. He wrapped his arms around me.
"I had to make sure I had everything ready for you since I decided to keep you up last night," he said smiling down at me.
"That sounds fair," I said giggled.

He kissed my forehead and smiled at me again.

"I'm going to be taking you to work today and picking you up. I'm free today. I want to make up for lost time and lost punishments," he said smiling at me with his dark sexy smile.

"Ohhh. Yes sir."

"So, I will be fixing dinner for you tonight when we get back home."

"Yay," I said. "I can't wait." I jumped up and down with excitement.

"Let's get going before I make you late," Tae said smirking at me.

So, we walked down to his car in the garage and he drove me to school.

We reached my school and he leaned over and kissed me gently on my lips.

"Have a nice day," he said and smiled. 

"Thank you, Tae," I smiled back at him.

I got out of the car and walked towards the school. Just as I was about to step in, I turned around and blew Tae a kiss. He gave me a big smile and I walked in.

Today was a good day. The weather was beautiful. My kids were being so attentive and well mannered. The day is going smoothly and all I had on my mind was last night with Tae and the upcoming evening with him. I was all smiles.

Lunchtime had come. Just as I was about to take the kids to the lunchroom, someone from the office called the room.

"Hello?" I answered.
"Hello, Miss Y/N. You have a delivery here."
"Thank you. I will be there after I take the kids to lunch."

I walked the kids down to the lunchroom and went to the office afterwards.
When I stepped in the lady at the desk handed me some flowers in a pretty vase. They were sunflowers.
I smiled so big.

"Thank you so much."
I knew who they were from. I was so giddy.
I walked back to my room with the flowers.

There was a envelope that had my name on it.
I pulled it out of the small clamp that was holding it in place and opened it.

"I'm glad to have you back again," it said.

I smiled at it. Tae was so adorable.

Just then I took out my phone and texted him.

Thank you so much for the flowers.

A few minutes went by and he texted me back.

I didn't get you flowers.......

Come on, Tae. Stop playing with me. Good joke.

Then, my phone started to ring in my hand.

As soon as I picked up, he started talking.

"Y/N, I didn't get you any flowers."
I frowned.
"Then, who the fuck could have gotten them?"
"Would Jungkook would have sent them?"
"No, we haven't really spoken since yesterday. Nothing is happened between us. I told you that."
"Check anyway."

So, I got off the phone and I texted Jungkook and he said that he didn't get them.

Who the hell could these flowers be from?

I called Taehyung back and told him they weren't from Jungkook. So, we continued to talk and then I got a text message. It was from a number I had never seen before. I opened it after I told Tae to hold on.

Did you like my flowers?

Who is hell is this??

Oh, you don't know?

That's why I asked.
I rolled my eyes. Who could be so damn........then, it hit me.
Fuck no.
He couldn't.

I started to respond.

Is this Damon?

Bingo! I found out where you worked at. I figured I would drop a surprise off since you haven't been at home. You kept me waiting long enough. 🙄

I didn't even text back.

I couldn't control my anger and fear, but I stayed frozen in my spot.

"Tae! It's Damon!" I shrieked. "He knows where I work."
"I'm on my way. Don't you dare hang up," Taehyung said.

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