Chapter 4

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The next day went by pretty fast. The kids were a lot better for me today. I had Tae on my mind for pretty much the entire day. I thought about texting him, but decided not to since he said he'd be busy for the next few days.
I came home that afternoon with nothing on my porch which I was happy about. Maybe the person realized that they had gotten the wrong house. I made sure all doors and everything was shut and locked tight like I did the night before.

I had dinner with Taylor that afternoon because she wanted to check in on me and I assured her that everything was okay. She still seemed slightly worried, but she gathered that since I wasn't worrying that she wouldn't worry too much either.

The next day after work there was still nothing on my porch. By now I was sure the person realized they had the wrong person. This afternoon I decided to work on my lessons plans for my class for next week like I did every Thursday afternoon after work. I tried to keep Tae off my mind while I got through my work but I failed horribly, so after about an hour of working through my lesson plans I decided to text him.

Hi, I hope everything is going smooth with the new album. 👍🏾

Hey, babygirl. Things seem to be going pretty well right now. I'm taking a quick break right now. You texted me at the right time. Are you doing okay?

Yes, I'm just working on my lesson plans for next week.

Did your kids like the flowers? 🤣

Oh yes. They kept asking if they were from my 'boyfrand.' 😂😂

😂 that's too cute. Oh, has anyone else left anything on your porch for the past couple of days?

Nope. I'm relieved. I'm assuming by now they realized they got the wrong house.

Good. Well, my short break is over. I will talk to you later.

Okay, bye! ☺️

I wish I could have talked to him for longer, but I'm glad that I got the time that I did with him.
I decided to go ahead and eat dinner and take my shower for the night.

The rest of the week and the weekend went by pretty fast. Taehyung ended up being busier for longer than he thought, but he made sure he stayed in touch. He would text me through out the day and sometimes before I went to bed we would talk on the phone. We got to know each other better and this mystery man became less mysterious to me. He was still pretty dominant always mentioning how he would add to my punishment every time I texted back late or made him wait. There were times when we decided to send pictures back and forth. I hadn't seen his body in person, but I was definitely loving it through the pictures he sent. Getting to know him made me like him more which still worried me from time to time. I didn't want to feel like I was moving too fast, but I knew I enjoyed having him around. So, one day I decided to question him about it.

We were video chatting while I was cooking dinner for myself one Wednesday after work.

"So, Mr. Tae," I said playfully. I had my phone propped up in my counter as I was making a salad for myself.
"Yes?" he answered.
"So, what exactly is this?" I said while throwing my fruits into my salad. "I mean, we are talking almost every day and I must admit I like you."
He took a breath. That made me nervous.
"Well, I like you, too, and having you around and talking to you. I love it when we are teasing each other, or we are messing around. I just didn't think I would want a relationship too soon."
"Oh," I said. I mean,I accepted the fact that he was being completely honest. But, l also felt a little sad, but didn't show it.
"I mean, I don't.......," he started and was interrupted by a voice in the background. I heard a door open and I heard someone call out his name. It was a female's voice.
"Oh crap," he said. "Hey, I have to go."
And before I could say bye or see who the voice was he hung up.
I sat there stunned for a second. That's never happened before. Who the hell was the female and why did Tae have to get off the phone so fast?? I know even though he did just say he liked me, I felt insanely jealous. I had no idea where these feelings were coming from. But, he wasn't mine. He could do whoever and whatever he wanted. But, still I felt a slight tug at my heart and some sadness slowly overtaking my mind. Maybe, just maybe, I needed to give myself some space from Taehyung. Maybe I was in way deeper than he was, maybe I was the one breaking my own heart. I mean, he did do all those things for me, but I mean, what if he just did them to get into my pants? A week ago I was perfectly okay with just having fun. Now, I wasn't so sure. I needed to take some time to figure out what I wanted.

I finished fixing my dinner which consisted of baked fish, rice, and a side salad. I sat down to eat then, took my shower and got into bed.

That night after my shower around 9 o'clock Tae called me. I didn't answer. I was hoping he would think I was sleep. After he called, he texted me.
Hey. You must have fallen asleep. I will talk to you tomorrow.

I didn't say anything to his text. I sat my phone down and went to sleep.

The next day I tried to be my normal peppy self, but it was hard. I was still confused and frustrated about that night before and about my feelings for Taehyung. He texted me good morning and I responded with a regular good morning without asking him how he was or with all the added emojis. He asked was I okay and I told him I had just been busy and tired. Around the time the kids went to lunch he texted me again. This time I just didn't respond. The rest of the day went by fast. Eventually the kids went home and I was cleaning up the classroom like I always did some evenings causing me to leave a little later than usual. I finally finished all my cleaning and closed up my classroom for the day.

On my way to my car, I got a phone call. It was the same number from a week ago. The person who kept calling, but never left a message. This time I decided to answer it and let them know they must have the wrong number.


"Hello. You finally answered," said the voice on the other end.
I stopped dead in my tracks on my way to my car wildly looking around.
"No," I said quietly as I started to shake.
"Oh, yes," he said cynically.
"No," I repeated myself as shock overtook my whole body followed by fear. "How the fuck did you find me?"
"It wasn't hard. I did some research. I couldn't find you at first because you didn't make it easy. As soon as I got out, I started to search for you. I went to your old house only to find out that you and your family had moved. I tried searching your name online like on Facebook. I still couldn't find you. So, I did the next best thing. I started to search for your friends and see if I could get lucky and BINGO. One of your friends page isn't private. Oops," he said in a dark jokingly way. "You were tagged in one of her pictures and I realized you had changed your name. So, I did my research and tada!! I found you."
"Leave me the fuck alone," I said angrily. Not only was I scared, I was angry.
"Now you know I can't do that. I was sooo close last time. I have been buttering you up the past few weeks. I know you got my gifts."
I gasped. A new wave of fear overtook me. He knew where I lived.
"It was you leaving the gifts....."
"Oh yes. Weren't they so nice? I hoped you liked them."
"Leave me alone," I said again trying not to let him hear the fear in my voice, but I failed.
"I WILL NOT!!" He yelled in my ear.
I jumped.
"Now, I have to go," he said with a smile in his voice. "I won't come get you just yet. I'm loving the idea of you cowering wherever you go. All day every day." And he laughed. His laugh was so vile and dark. "Bye bye for now darling."
Then, there was a click.
I stayed in that spot stuck with my phone to my ear shaking violently. I could feel my eyes filling with tears. Then, I started running. I ran to my car and when I reached it and dropped everything in my hands and I felt my body responding to my fear and I threw up everything I had eaten today. I kept gagging until there was nothing left. I was frightened. He could be anywhere. I got in my car and locked up everything looking around the school parking lot, but not seeing anything or anyone unfamiliar. The parking was pretty much clear except for one or two other cars which you'd expect on a late weekday afternoon. In my panic, I decided to call Taylor.

She picked up within one ring.

"Taylor," I cried. "Taylor, it is Him. It's Damon. He's out and he knows where I live." I continued to sob while looking around me knowing I couldn't see much through my tear filled eyes.
"Where are you?" She asked immediately.
"I'm at work," I continued to cry into the phone.
"Call the police and let them know what's going on. Let them know what happened with Damon and to meet us at your place. You don't need to go home alone. He could be waiting. I will meet you there. I will call Jungkook and have them meet us there. Hang up and call the police now."
Taylor knew about my past and knew what I went through after it all happened. I can't believe she was right.
I hung up with her and called the police. They said they could have a patrol car meet me at my place to make sure everything is safe. I called Taylor back and she let me know her and Jungkook, who was my last ex who I had a good relationship with, were on their way to my house and she stayed on the phone with me while I mustered up the self control to stop crying and drive to my house safely.

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