Chapter 12

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While I was at the stove putting some muffins into the oven, I felt someone come stand behind me.

"Good morning, baby," Tae said in his sleepy voice.
"Good morning, Tae," I said and turned around.
His face was still slightly swollen from sleep and his hair was a mess on his head.
"Awe, look at you," I said and put my hand on the side of his face.
"No, look at you. Looking all pretty this morning," he said and smiled down at me.
"Well, you let me go to sleep looking a WHOLE mess," I said and raised my eyebrow at him.
"You didn't look a mess! You were so beautiful."
I blushed.
"Thank you."
He kissed my forehead.
"I'm going to go wash my face and clean myself up. Taylor and Jungkook will be here soon. I told them to be here by 10."
"Okay, that's good. Everything should be done by then."
He gave me one last loving smile and walked out to his room.
I was going to talk to him about Lisa, but I didn't want to mess up our morning together. We will discuss it later when we were alone.

About twenty minutes later, there was another knock at the door.
This time when I walked to the door, I checked through the peephole.
It was Jungkook and Taylor this time.
I opened the door.

"Heeeey," said Taylor as she came through the door to hug me.
"Hey boo," I said and hugged her back.
"Hey cutie," said Jungkook and he hugged me next.
"Good morning, JK," I said and returned his hug.

After I gave them their hugs, we walked to the kitchen.
"It smells so good in here," Jungkook said.
"Damn, girl, you cooked?" asked Taylor.
"Yes, girl," I responded.
"I'm excited," said Taylor and we all laughed.
They sat at the dining table while I finished things up in the kitchen.
"So, where's Tae?" asked Taylor.
"I'm right here," said Tae walking in the kitchen with a white tee shirt and some black sweat pants with his fluffy black hair. "Good morning, guys."
He waved at everyone.
"Good morning," said Taylor and Jungkook said at the same time.
"You guys have been staying together for way too long," I said and laughed.
Tae came up to me and wrapped his arm around my waist and leaned down to kiss me. I pecked his lips.
"It smells good in here, Y/N," he commented.
"Thank you," I responded grinning. "Help me move everything to the table."
"Sure," he responded.
"We can help," said Jungkook.
"Keep your asses seated," I said and rolled my eyes. "You guys are guests. It's not issue."
"Oh, so you're not a guest anymore?" asked Taylor side eyeing me.
Tae and I looked at each other and smiled.
"We will talk about that later," I said looking at Taylor and lifting an eye brow.
"You got it," she responded.
Even though I knew that Jungkook knew how I felt about Tae, it felt awkward to talk about what happened last night with him around. I'll wait until Taylor and I are alone.

So, Tae moved the food to the table as I got everyone's plates, cups, and utensils.
We were all finally sitting down at the table.
"Dig in everyone," I exclaimed.

We all started to eat. It got quiet and all you could hear were people chewing and making happy food noises.

"You did a good job on breakfast," said Taylor.
"Thank you!" I said and smiled.
"I agree," Jungkook said.
"It's been so long since I've been able to cook an actual meal and I missed it so much," I said.
"Well, I'm glad you've finally made yourself at home," said Tae and winked at me.
"So, I know you called us here for a reason. What's going on? Everything okay?" asked Taylor.
"Let's finish breakfast and we can talk about it," Tae said.

So, Tae and I asked Taylor and Jungkook how things has been going at her place with the guard. They both said things were going well and they started to become actual friends with him. He went with them when they would go out. Work was going pretty well for both of them, too.
After we all finished eating, Tae started to clean up the dishes when Jungkook offered to help.
"You really don't have to," said Tae.
"I don't mind. Trust me."
Tae caved in and let him help.
"Well, while you guys handle this, I'm going to show Taylor my room. We will be right back," I said.
"Okay, babe," Tae responded.

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