Chapter 6 and 1/2

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I woke up the next morning to the tv on. I turned on my side and seen Jungkook leaning against the headboard  watching it.
"Morning," he said and smiled.
"Morning," I said and stretched. "I swear I didn't know that I could sleep so much. What time is it?"
"It's about 8."
"Wow, I still have the whole day ahead of me. That makes me happy."
Jungkook looked at me and smiled. Thoughts came rushing back to my mind from last night again. I could feel my face grow hot with embarrassment.
"It's okay," Jungkook said rubbing my arm. "It was partially my fault for trying to take advantage of you at a time like this."
"It's okay. I know you didn't mean any harm."
We sat there and while watching tv for about an hour.
"Well, I should probably get going because I need to get ready for my work week and check in with Taylor. I need to go wash my clothes and grab some more clothes for Taylor's house."
"Let me walk you out."
So, we got up and he put his shirt back on and I walked out in just my shirt. I didn't bother putting on my pants or bra since it was so early.
We walked out to the front door.
I opened it for him.
"Thank you again, Jungkook," I said and smiled at him. "Thank you for understanding and being you."
"You're welcome. I still care about you, love."
I kissed him on the cheek and he kissed me on my forehead.
"It's not bye. It's see you later," I said and laughed.
He looked at me with his pretty dark eyes and smiled scrunching his nose.
"See you later."

I closed the door and just as I was about to walk back past the kitchen I looked to my right towards Tae's room. He was at his door.
"Hi," I said quietly.
He just looked at me. No emotions at all on his face. But, his eyes were a different story. I believe I seen surprise, but slight pain.
He stared at me for about 20 more seconds.
"I left a key and a key fob for coming into the apartment building on the table for you. You're welcome."
His voice was plain and emotionless. He turned around and went back into his room. He didn't even give me chance to thank him. Why did he have such an attitude? Was it because Jungkook was here? He should have known he would come and visit. We talked about him coming to check on me.
I didn't need to explain myself to him when he hasn't told me much of anything. I turned on my heels and walked back to my room to brush my teeth for the morning and take my shower. I let the shower run hot down my body. I kept thinking about Tae. Apparently, I wanted him. I said his name while I was with Jungkook, but he seemed put off by the fact that Jungkook was over. We still haven't even talked about the video chat we had a few days ago. How could he be mad at me? Not to mention the visit he got from Lisa earlier. He couldn't even tell me straight up that he wanted to be with me. How could he be mad with the fact that I'm with someone else even though nothing happened?
I got out of my shower and decided to text Taylor and ask her if she wanted to do lunch. I needed some time out and away from Taehyung. Taylor agreed so I got dressed and headed out for the afternoon grabbing everything I needed.

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