Night stalker. |C.H.|

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I laugh softly and shake my head as I watch my brother's curls bounce around with a smile on a face that should resemble mine, although it is anything but. Calum has curls, I have straight hair, he has brown hair I have black hair, he is tall I am short, it makes sense if you are adopted I suppose.
That's actually the only thing that bothers me, because Calum and I really see each other as brother and sister, the differences that are so obvious is that no one can see them and it hurt.
I love my parents, really, they helped me when I couldn't ask for help. My biological parents died in a fire, my parents saw the house go up in flames and smoke, and came to see if there was anything they could do, since nobody else was doing anything except waiting for the fire brigade to arrive.
"I miss you." I smile and nod. "I miss you too Cal, it's not the same without you." He pouts and goes through his hair with his hand. "I know, I really liked being home, I just had to learn to stand on my own two feet." I laugh softly. "Make of it something grown up, you just hated getting up early. That's why you moved closer to school." He laughs and shrugs. "Oops?" I chuckle and shake my head.
Calum and I have always been very close, he wanted a sister and just couldn't stop whining, while our parents actually always planned to adopt a child and make one of their own. Although the adoption process takes a bit longer than the biological baby process. They had calculated it so well that I came when Calum was three. We are two years apart, so little Cally was very happy to have a baby sister in the house. I smile at the memory of Mum's story and yawn.

"How was school?" He asks as he lays better in position on his bed. I sigh, causing him to laugh, and roll my eyes. "Alanis was whining about the colour of my trousers again." "Oh it was your trousers today? I saw your outfit, didn't know grey was so out of fashion?" I laugh softly and hum. "Neither did I, especially since she was wearing it herself last week but anyway. Mrs Verhoghen was absent-." "When is she not?" I nod smiling and look at him.
Cal was also at the school I'm at now, but he started college this year. "And was Mr. Aelbrechts there?" I nod. "He made a joke about mixers." He frowns so I continue. "He said 'the next exercise is about kitchen mixers, so we're going to have the women of the class do this, because they're more likely to be in the kitchen." He shakes his head laughing. "Well, it's sexist, but it's funny." I nod with a chuckle. "Exactly. And your day?" He sighs with a big smile. "Weeeeeeell..." I frown. "Oh?" He shakes his head with a sigh. "Well you see, it was totally confusing because we had an online class today but it was the wrong class, we got the wrong link.
Twenty minutes later the teacher finally got to the link, after sending the right one, and then her audio didn't work. It was terrible." I shake my head and sigh. "Jesus they're not technically precise there either." He shakes his head, laughing. "Not at all, you expect college to be full of young people, but the teachers all look like they're retired." I chuckle. "Not difficult, they study for years for that jobs." He hums and looks at me. "Oh well, as long as they teach well it's okay. " I chuckle and nod.
"Remember the hype about that sleep app?" He frowns for a moment but then nods. "The one where you record yourself in your sleep to see if you're talking?" I nod. "I downloaded that one. Haven't listened to it yet, wanted to do it with you." He smiles and straightens up. "Ooh yes!" I press the audio files and frown. "What the fuck... is that- someone panting?" I slowly shake my head as I think about what it could be. "I slept with the window open. There was heavy wind. It's probably that." He nods and sighs softly. "You look tired, go to sleep. In a fortnight I'll come to visit." I smile and sigh. "Yes, I urgently need to sleep, two more weeks.... It will be over soon." I say softly after which he nods and blows me a kiss. I do the same and then lay down and go to sleep.
I wake up confused and look around my room. It's dark, no light shining in, what time is it? I straighten up and look at my clock. "Half past three..." I rub my face but look up startled when I suddenly hear footsteps. Must be mum or dad... Probably had to go to the toilet. I lay down again, but I can't sleep. Because of the fright I'm wide awake now. I take my mobile phone and go to the sleep app, I click on the night's audio and put my hand over my mouth to keep from screaming.

"Oh fuck you are so beautiful.... o-Oh fuck yes fuck fuck fuck ah." I call Calum and feel tears standing in my eyes, hopelessly pushing until they fall. "Pick up, pick up, pick up." I whisper anxiously. Voicemail. I call him again and again until he picks up. "Y/N what's wrong? Is everything okay?" I shake my head, even though he can't see it himself. "Come get me, come get me please. Now. Now." I try to breathe as calmly as possible but feel myself sinking faster and faster into a hyperventilation attack.
"I'm coming, calm down,  I'm coming. I'll be right there. Calm down." I wrap my arms around my knees and focus on my breathing as best as I can. I put on a jumper and jogging trousers as he says he's there and run out as quietly and quickly as I can.

"Hey what-." "Leave. Leave now. Now. Now!" He frowns but does as I say and drives to his flat. Once we get there, we lay down cuddling on bed with tea. "Now tell me. What is it?" he asks while stroking my arm. "I couldn't sleep because I was shocked by something, I was listening to the app and-." I press the audio and look at him as the sound plays. "Is he jacking off now!" I look at him with frightened eyes. "What the fuck, who's in our house?" I shrug my shoulders shakily and lay closer to him. "I sleep naked Cal, that man saw me naked..." He pulls me as close as he can to him and rubs my head. "Calm down. We'll go to the police tomorrow. Sleep now okay? I'm here with you." I nod and close my eyes, but I don't sleep solidly. Every little sound wakes me up.
The police investigation took two days. It turns out that the man has been living in our attic for three years. He always followed me home after school, he had a crazy fantasy about me... It still gives me the shivers. We never go into the attic, it's a forgotten part of the house, so we never noticed him. He was sentenced to fifteen years in prison for invasion of privacy and breaking into private property. He apologized and said he never wanted to hurt me or make me feel unsafe. Furthermore, he said he was afraid to ask me out and did it this way because of that. They found out that he has mental issues. I can't be angry with him because he can't help it, but it's frightening that this happened for three years without us noticing. And if I hadn't had the sleep app, we would never have known... I will never delete that app again.

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